Humility means to acknowledge that we are not as mysterious as we think; and curiosity means to acknowledge that we are more mysterious than we think. Sometimes we have an unhealthy attitude towards ourselves wherein we think that we are a mystery that can never be comprehended. And therefore when we behave in an irrational way, we tend to just fix quick labels on that behavior – “I’m short-tempered,” “I’m jealous,” “I’m greedy” – and we don’t explore further. Humility means that we don’t settle for such quick labels; that we explore ourselves. And curiosity means that we acknowledge that there is more to us than such easy labels – and thereby we can improve our relationship with ourselves.

Watch this content at: Our mysterious relationship with ourselves


06.05 One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.