To be unhappy on seeing others’ happiness reveals a pathology of our own mind. When someone is happy, especially when somebody is happy in a relationship whereby they have replaced us with that person, it is natural that we may feel unhappy about it. However, rather than resenting that person – either the person who has replaced us with someone else or the person who has replaced us – we need to focus on ourselves and try to see what it is inside us that makes us truly valuable. And when we find our core spirituality that is a part of our divinity, being parts of the divine, that is where we can find a core that is never replaced. And therein lies true inner security.

Watch this content at: When others’ happiness makes us unhappy 12.15


12.15 He by whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.