What some people experience as a tragedy, others see it as an opportunity and that is a sign of their depravity. Suppose there is some natural disaster in which there is an enormous loss of life and property. If some business people try to mint money out of such tragedy, then we feel disgusted with them. How depraved can they be? But sometimes when we are philosophically minded, we may also try to see the tragedy as an opportunity to thrust our philosophy down other people’s throats. Even if that is not what we think we are doing, even if our attitude is compassionate, we may not come off as compassionate. Our focus in such situations should be on serving others, not on teaching our philosophy.

Watch this content at: Serving others during a time of tragedy


13.08: Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; … [ – all these I declare to be knowledge]