To sulk like a baby is not a sign of maturity; it is a sign of a self-destructive mentality. When things don’t work out, in fact, when things work out to be the opposite of the way we wanted them to be, it’s natural to feel sorry for ourselves. However, if we give in to that feeling and start sulking, then not only are we acting like a little baby, but rather we are giving fuel to an inner mentality that will be far more harmful in an adult than it would be in a baby. Rather than giving in to such a self-destructive mentality, we can turn toward spirituality and there in find hope and strength to make things better.

Watch this content at: How not to react when things don’t work out


18.39 And that happiness which is blind to self-realization, which is delusion from beginning to end and which arises from sleep, laziness and illusion is said to be of the nature of ignorance.