The urge for adventure should make us explore the new; but not reject the old, just for the sake of rejecting the old. Not everything new is good and not everything old is bad. We all have within us a longing to explore something new. This makes us open to adventures, where we enter into uncharted territory. This urge for adventure can be facilitated by going beyond the old to the new. We need to use our intelligence to actually evaluate things based on merit, not just reject something solely because it is old or accept something solely because it is new. Many things that are old can be beneficial and many things that are new can be harmful – and we use our intelligence to complement our sense of adventure; that is how our life can actually become better.

Watch this content at: Exploring the new, but not rejecting the old


18.22 And that knowledge by which one is attached to one kind of work as the all in all, without knowledge of the truth, and which is very meager, is said to be in the mode of darkness.