We all are entitled to our opinions: but we are not entitled to the expectation that others agree to our opinions, let alone that the world turn in such a way as to demonstrate the truth of our opinions. Whenever we have an opinion that differs from the opinion of others, we may become very inflexible in insisting that our opinion is the right opinion. And when people don’t agree with it, we may get angry with them. And when they provide evidence about how things are different from our opinion, then we may even become even angrier. Such anger is an indication of an entitlement mentality wherein we automatically presume that we are entitled to the rightness of reality as per the rightness of our opinions.

Watch this content at: Do we have an entitlement mentality?


18.06 All these activities should be performed without attachment or any expectation of result. They should be performed as a matter of duty, O son of Pṛthā. That is My final opinion.