- Chapter 06, Text 01
- Chapter 06, Text 02
- Frustration and renunciation differentiated
- Gita 06.02 explained
- How Krishna emphasizes the essence of renunciation for Arjuna
- The essence of renunciation is not giving up worldly things, it is giving up worldly thoughts
- Chapter 06, Text 03
- Chapter 06, Text 04
- Chapter 06, Text 05
- Fostering a healthy relationship between our higher and lower selves
- Balancing fear and hope in our relationship with ourselves
- Cultivating a healthy relationship with ourselves
- How to use the mind's weapons against the mind
- A Moment of Thought to Evaluate the Thought of the Moment
- Two steps to stop feeling sorry for ourselves
- The mind's DIE - distraction, invention, exaggeration
- Unmanageable Emotions and Temptation: Seeking Relief Through Indulgence
- The mind is to be parented not terminated
- Change the question we ask ourselves
- How the mind is not like a computer
- How the mind is like a computer
- When losing peace of mind is good
- Unnecessary inner baggage
- Seeing encouragement amid discouragement
- What our mind thinks we need
- Purification is inner empowerment
- Unsustainable and sustainable approaches to purification
- When the mind repeats things we don’t want to repeat …
- Two functions of the mind – and its two malfunctions
- Two steps to develop inner accountability
- Is this relationship healthy or unhealthy?
- Might mindfulness be more than just awareness?
- A mindful autopilot mode?
- Three steps to mindfulness
- How to work with our mind
- Are you someone you would want to live with lifelong?
- 1
- When self-talk is counterproductive and when productive
- Why discipline is important — and not just for self-improvement
- When our conscience speaks ….
- Why does Krishna stress equanimity of the mind as a prerequisite for renunciation?
- Is poor mental health just a weakness of will? (Mental health series 4)
- How self-doubt differs from self-appraisal (Dealing with doubts 3)
- Why self-awareness matters more than self-discipline — Desire management series 3
- Three ways to live more effectively
- Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness
- Why wisdom doesn’t automatically make us wise
- When living in the present helps and when it harms
- How our mind can be a double agent
- How to get away from the mind when it troubles us?
- How to monitor and mentor ourselves?
- Why do small things irritate us so much?
- How inner bridges and inner barricades can empower us
- How to deal with the crazy mind?
- How to deal with the mind’s craziness
- We need inner accounting before we can have inner accountability
- Treating the mind as an enemy can be uncomfortable, treating it as a friend can be fatal — treat it as a patient
- Even if others don't take us seriously, still we can take ourselves seriously
- The stronger the hold of problems on our mind, the weaker becomes our hold on ourselves
- Mind your mind to know when it is in order, when on the border and when out of order
- The media is mostly the mind multiplied, magnified & magnetized
- No one has a right to mistreat you, not even you
- Everything is not in the mind, but everything comes through the mind
- For changing yourself, focus on comprehending yourself, not on criticizing yourself
- Watch yourself as if you are someone you don't know – self-observation opens the door to self-transformation
- Use introspection as a confession by the self to the self
- Respect the dark within you, to keep it within you
- To be thoughtful, attribute every thought first to the mind
- We are our greatest hope – and our greatest horror
- The faster our autocorrect, the faster we can be incorrect
- The mind treats us badly, yet we trust it madly
- Our inner screen is lined with lying links – be leery
- The mind makes the easy seem difficult and the difficult seem impossible
- See the mind as a predator, not a protector
- If we don’t marginalize the mind, it will marginalize us
- When we keep liking whatever our mind likes, we end up not liking ourselves
- Stop expecting the mind to give up trying to make us give up
- The mind’s triggering may be uncontrollable, but our triggering can be controllable
- Move from mindlessness to mindfulness by minding the mind
- Tap the mind’s power – don’t be trapped by the mind’s power
- Tolerance towards the mind’s intolerance imprisons us in impotence
- The instrumental self is not the self – it is the instrument to the self
- The mind makes us serious about the frivolous and frivolous about the serious
- The mind may be confused, but we don’t have to let it confuse us
- The mind should do our work, not make us do its work
- The mind often acts mindlessly – mind it
- Don’t give the mind monopoly over your inner conversation
- The mind is like a dog that barks but can’t bite – unless we let it
- Build roads, not roadblocks
- Don’t just talk about yourself – talk to yourself
- Unconscious decisions are usually unhealthy decisions
- Use breaks to break the mind’s spell on you
- If Krishna is not our goal, we hit self-goals
- The mind is a universe – not everything in it is relevant
- Absent-minded means not that the mind is absent, but that our control on it is absent
- Don’t just hear the mind – mind what you hear
- We are in the driver’s seat – but are we?
- The mind herds us and hurts us and hurts others through us
- Weaken your weaknesses - don't let your weaknesses weaken you
- The mind may be like a hog in a confectionary, but we don’t have to be
- Work on mind control enthusiastically while Krishna works on mind conversion expertly
- The assumption of responsibility in our inner life begins with challenging our assumption about our inner life
- Focus not on the thoughts which are unworthy of us; focus on the thoughts for which we are unworthy
- The mind not only befools but also betrays us
- Is it human nature to want to transcend human nature?
- When a salesperson knocks at the inner door…
- Don’t fall for the mind’s “no time” trick
- To save you from you, couple the real self with the Supreme Self
- You can change your mind, but don’t let your mind change you
- Chapter 06, Text 06
- Importance of intelligence in meditation
- Are we in charge of our inner world?
- Listening to my Lord who always has hope
- When self-talk is constructive and when destructive
- Why change is challenging
- Protecting ourselves from a bad attitude
- When does our mind become our friend?
- What’s wrong with treating the mind as an enemy (Managing the mind 3)
- Are we the fisherman or the fish? (Managing the mind 2)
- Three ways to avoid being misdirected by our mind
- Dealing with the mind’s negativities (Why we need inner redesigning 3)
- The mind as our inner cell and inner cellmate (Why we all need interior redesigning - 1)
- How we become both villains and victims …
- Our choice: push up or be pulled down?
- How we might defeat ourselves in our inner war
- How the mind and intelligence work — and how to make them work for us
- The more we watch the mind’s movie, the more we make our life a horror movie
- The mind demands that others leave us alone and then complains they don’t care for us
- The mind makes the uncomfortable seem unbearable and then makes us do the unconscionable
- When the mind insinuates, it is often more insidious than when it incites
- The mind makes us fight wars that aren't winnable and wars where victory is not even definable
- Stop playing games with your mind - and with those who play games with your mind
- Our mind is constantly hiding – and is constantly ready to give us a hiding
- Even if the mind is not shrill, it is still a shill
- If we repeatedly let our mind take us to hell, eventually it won't let us come back
- When fighting temptation, focus just on surviving the present battle, not on winning the whole war
- The mind tends to do what we don’t intend to do
- The mind deafens us not just to Krishna, but also to the body
- Our forced errors don’t justify our unforced errors
- The mind is a masterly telemarketer – don't pick up the phone
- The mind is not inherently our enemy - it is circumstantially our enemy
- As soon as we stop working constructively, our mind starts working destructively
- The first me is practically never the best me
- Don’t let the mind control the activities meant to control the mind
- Train yourself to hack the inner hacker
- Even in paradise, the mind will say, “Yes, but …”
- The mind may show us a horror movie, but we don’t have to watch it
- The mind’s spells make our life a waking nightmare
- The mind will smother if we don’t see it as the other
- Devotion makes the mind’s power our power
- Our lack of confidence doesn’t choke us as much as our overconfidence in our hypercritical mind
- The mind seduces us into doing wrong – and then scolds us for doing wrong
- See through the mind’s troika of denial, misdirection and self-victimization
- Don’t let the mind make you fight more battles than you need to
- If we don’t recognize the mind, it will make us unrecognizable to ourselves
- The mind is illusion’s internal advertising agent
- Don’t give the mind power of attorney – and don’t let it grab it either
- The mind makes the exhausting seem exciting and the exciting seem exhausting
- Don’t be exhausted by the mind – be exhausted with the mind
- The defect of dallying with the mind is that it makes the dallier a defector
- The mind needs not what it heeds and heeds not what it needs
- When the mind cries wolf, know that the mind is the worst wolf
- The mind is a tormentor, not a mentor
- The mind makes us a stranger to ourselves
- Throw light on the daylight robbery that doesn’t come to light
- When the mind tempts us to play the victim game, stop playing
- The mind is not just a liar but also a traitor
- When the mind throws sand into our eyes
- The mind is predictably dangerous and dangerously unpredictable
- The mind can impel, but not compel
- Take the mind’s promises with a bucketful of salt
- Chapter 06, Text 07
- The mind's running commentary on our life
- Gita 06.07 explained
- From applause to absorption
- Who is defining our identity: our mind or our Lord?
- As long as we don’t mine under the mind, the mind will undermine us
- When we make God our friend, we become our own friend
- Focus on life, not on the mind’s commentary about life
- When the mind engages, it encages; when Krishna engages, he elevates
- Things fall in place if we keep the mind in place
- The internal contains both the infernal and the eternal
- How uncritical we are about our mind is incredible
- Don’t just fight the mind – fight to get the mind to fight for you
- We have to lose our mind to gain our soul
- Those who mistake the route to be the root stay uprooted
- Chapter 06, Text 08
- Gita 06.08 explained
- Why applying what we know is so important
- Analyzing a spiritual text without applying it is like examining food without eating it
- Scriptural memorization is meant not for adulation, but for assimilation and application
- We can’t lose weight just by reading books on how to lose weight
- Information puffs us up; application builds us up
- To acquire equal vision externally, cultivate spiritual satisfaction internally – by remembering Krishna devotionally
- Let research reinforce, not replace, search
- Go beyond the stocking of information to the flowing of service
- To see stone and gold equally, see beyond stone and gold to Krishna
- Study makes us steady and sturdy
- Chapter 06, Text 09
- Gita 06.09 explained
- We can’t deal with the enemies created by the mind without first dealing with the mind
- Chapter 06, Text 10
- Gita 06.10 explained
- Social isolation can be an opportunity to realize how we all are spiritually connected
- Solitude requires distancing ourselves not just from the world but also from the mind
- Chapter 06, Text 11-12
- Chapter 06, Text 12
- Chapter 06, Text 13
- To get out of the mind, go above it to the soul or go below it to the body
- Asanas cannot free us from vasanas
- Don’t lobotomize ashtanga-yoga to ekanga-yoga
- Chapter 06, Text 13-14
- Chapter 06, Text 14
- Spiritual growth comes by improving our mental model, not our physical posture
- Krishna is not just the object of meditation but also its objective
- Chapter 06, Text 15
- Chapter 06, Text 16
- How sleeping can help spiritual realization
- Gita 06.16 explained
- If we eat waste, it shows in our waist
- If we don’t sleep at the right time, we will sleep at the wrong time
- Our material needs are like painkillers – necessary but not sufficient
- The art of living is to balance the self we are eternally with the self we are presently
- The destructibility of the body is not a license for its wanton destruction
- The purpose of bodily regulation is not physical deprivation but spiritual connection
- Chapter 06, Text 17
- Healthy relationship with food: Three parameters
- Preventing the need for food from becoming greed for food
- When food becomes our enemy
- Are we afraid of looking at ourselves?
- How much we improve
- How to get the will to say no
- What are we saying no to
- Gita 06.17 explained
- When the mind’s greed masquerades as the body’s need …
- The importance of doing something we love
- Three principles for managing stress
- To live life fully, leave life regularly – take breaks before life breaks you
- Better to be crazy in being busy than to be just crazy, better still is to be busy without being crazy
- To regulate your eating, listen to your body, not to your mind
- Being conscious of the body is not bodily consciousness, being conscious only of the body is
- Regulation is the road to realization
- Seek balance through dynamic determination, not frozen formula
- Spirituality is not about abandoning but about reclaiming
- Plans may not work, but planning works
- Chapter 06, Text 18
- From 'what if' to 'what is': steadying the mind through spiritual focus
- Two problems with forced compliance
- Gita 06.18 explained
- How Krishna helps Arjuna arrive at a desired conclusion
- Be not self-conscious; be conscious of the self
- Illusion means that the content of our experience blinds us to its context
- Is the body a playground for passion or a temple for devotion?
- Chapter 06, Text 19
- Chapter 06, Text 20
- The material realization that fosters spiritual immersion
- Satisfaction comes by knowing ourselves, not by making ourselves known
- We are not just potentially spiritual; we are essentially spiritual
- When the mind functions primarily as a mirror instead of as a window, we gain self-realization
- Expansion of consciousness opens the self to the self
- Our conviction that happiness is our right is right
- The supposition of subjectivity is sabotaged by the subjectivity of the supposition
- To access the Absolute Truth, reject the absolute rejection of absolute truths
- Chapter 06, Text 20-23
- Hold a mirror to ourselves and feel satisfied
- Graduating in the university of adversity
- What is emotional maturity?
- Gita 06.20-23 explained
- Chapter 06, Text 21
- Hold a mirror to ourselves and feel satisfied
- A healthy attitude toward ourselves
- When attention seems like detention, we need education
- Chapter 06, Text 22
- Graduating in the university of adversity
- What is emotional maturity?
- Gita 20-23 explained
- How are material achievement and spiritual achievement different?
- There is more to us than what faces us
- What is our greatest treasure is often not what we treasure the greatest
- Spirituality reveals that our destiny is bigger than the biggest adversity
- Purification means to change our emotional center
- When no gain relieves pain, seek the gain beyond pain
- Infuse charity with compassion, not calculation
- Spirituality enables us to stand tall without standing on others
- Devotion helps us discover the richness of life
- Material progress centers on having what we want; spiritual progress, on wanting what we have
- The available becomes valuable when it becomes accessible
- Do not ensure heart breaks; insure against heart breaks
- We may be broke but we don’t have to be broken
- Stability and maturity that takes us beyond adversity
- Live beyond life’s tornadoes and torpedoes
- Krishna-thoughts are soothing, satisfying, strengthening, sublimating
- Attaining an unalienable wealth
- Seek the one achievement that misery cannot reach
- Chapter 06, Text 24
- Countering invisible attacks on our consciousness
- Gita 06.24 explained
- Heart work is hard work
- Scriptural regulation is productive, not restrictive
- Don’t relax the treatment just because the symptoms have disappeared
- Leave temptation - and don’t leave a forwarding address
- Freedom resides not in the right to experience whatever we like, but in the liking for the right experience
- Let’s guard our consciousness the way we guard our homes
- Are we placing in the treasury that which belongs to the dustbin?
- Chapter 06, Text 25
- How to counter the fickle mind with a stable intelligence
- How to sustain our determination in meditation
- Why we fail in improving ourselves
- Why we fail in improving ourselves
- Misdirected Attention - Why? What to do?
- Our mind’s attention vs our attention
- The simple way to do something wonderful
- How accountability can save us from humiliation
- The essence of discipline is to make our intelligence faster than our mind
- For inner change, momentum matters more than movement
- When the mind says our victories are too small to count, cross-question it – What other way is there to big victories
- Virtue that is more talked than walked is not necessarily infertile, it may just be infantile
- Intelligence means to know which thoughts are to be pinned and which to be binned
- When the mind shows us all that we don’t have, the intelligence needs to show us all that we do have
- Focus on the mind’s track record, not on its sound track
- Small victories are not big victories, but they are stepping stones to big victories
- The key to training ourselves, and trusting ourselves, is small steps, carried out
- See the effort in focusing the mind as an exercise, not an exertion
- See the mind not as too strong for us to resist, but as too weak to resist the world’s toys
- To forget that one is forgetful is to become a fool
- Don’t let the mind play truant in the school of bhakti
- Let scripture lead beyond the head’s complexity to the heart’s simplicity
- Absorption is a function of not just attraction but also determination
- Expand your horizons in vision, but concentrate them in implementation
- When the mind makes the irrational seem rational, catch it in its irrationality
- Decrease the perception of effort and increase the anticipation of reward by intellectual conviction
- Muster determination to master distraction
- Let the intelligence’s discrimination lead through the mind's delusion to the heart’s devotion
- To become devotionally responsive, become intellectually responsible
- Those who take a strong stand internally stand strong externally
- Disbelieve the mind’s disastrous misdiagnosis
- Determination comes from the conviction that the prize is greater than the price
- Glue the mind to meditation, not mediation
- Chapter 06, Text 26
- When efforts to concentrate just don't work …
- When the mind works overtime
- Resisting the mind's myopia
- Focus on progress not success
- Can't hold the mind still?
- Why the mind is a terrible leader
- Why is it so difficult to focus?
- Why monitoring the mind is so important (Managing the mind series 6)
- Are we training our mind in distraction or in concentration?
- Are we giving too much time to our mind?
- Why minor distractions aren’t minor?
- Meditation is not a rehearsal
- If your mind says you are a quitter …
- Things that are worth doing, are worth doing well — and worth doing badly too
- The more we become conscious of where our consciousness is, the more we can tap the power of our consciousness
- The mind is not afraid to interrupt us, don't be afraid to interrupt it
- The essence of commitment is recommitment
- During our idle time, the mind works overtime
- If we don’t double-check the mind, it will double-cross us
- Going off-course is not the problem; staying off-course is
- Letting the mind run free is the quickest path to exhaustion
- The mind is like a window that unpredictably changes into a TV
- If we don’t ask "What am I doing?" we will end up asking "What have I done?"
- When the mind is fast, the intelligence needs to be faster
- We may be distracted, but we don’t have to be disheartened
- Unsolicited distraction may be unavoidable, but intentional inattention isn't
- Control the mind before it controls you
- Set it and forget it approach won’t work because the mind will reset it
- Strong security means that unusual activity triggers immediate inquiry
- The mind is a slow learner – learn to help it learn
- Children will be childish, but parents don’t have to be childish
- Don’t just restrain the mind – retrain it
- Nothing distracts us as much as we ourselves
- When your mental expressway gets overcrowded, direct your thought traffic with your intelligence
- Observe your mental neighborhood just as you would observe your physical neighborhood
- Focus on the mind before focusing on its focus
- Protesting that the mind is wandering is progress over wandering with the mind
- Check the train before you check into it
- If we let the mind fill in the blanks, it will overwrite the sentence
- We can’t replace the mind, but we can re-place it
- Reposition the mind as the object of observation instead of its subject
- Even if we can’t be consistent in our devotion, we can still be resilient
- The mind is a taskmaster, not a task manager
- Conscientiously correct the mind’s incorrect auto-correct
- Let’s not renew what we need to remove
- Parent the childish mind by being vigilant and diligent
- The mind may stray away; let it not stay away
- Change of values is more significant than change of desires
- Chapter 06, Text 27
- When the mind just doesn't leave us alone…
- What does meditation mean?
- Peace in the presence of disturbance
- Gita 06.27 explained
- Why all forms of concentration are not equal …
- Beyond feel-good spirituality — and beyond feel-bad spirituality
- Purification puts the mind in the silent mode
- Contemplation on Krishna provides purification, elevation and satisfaction
- Don't go behind the mind, go beyond the mind
- Spirituality stills the mind and fills the soul
- The mind is a maddening chatterbox – silence it by absorption
- In meditation, the way to relaxation is through concentration
- Distraction is draining; concentration is energizing
- To beat problems, first beat the problematic mind down to size
- When the mind becomes peaceful, we become joyful
- When the mind accepts the impure to be impure, we become pure
- The mind that is clean is serene
- We need a break – from the mind
- Chapter 06, Text 28
- What will bring newness in our life?
- Standard of longing not standard of living
- Gita 06.28 explained
- How spiritual experiences affect our spiritual journey
- Some people use yoga to stretch their bodies; others, to stretch the truth
- Don’t analyze the trash – just trash it
- Don’t imagine good feelings – realize that there’s so much to feel good about
- The purpose of discipline is not to torture ourselves, but to transcend ourselves
- The new life outside begins with the new life inside
- Chapter 06, Text 29
- Chapter 06, Text 30
- The Dual Vision of the Yogi: Seeing Krishna in Everything & Everything in Krishna
- Is Krishna with me? Am I with Krishna?
- A better place even through a dark phase
- Two dimensions of meditation
- Gita 06.30 explained
- When the distance between us and God seems unscalable ...
- Meditation can shut things up and out — and can do more
- Krishna is just one thought away from us – always
- Take mindfulness to its fullness by becoming mindful of the fullest reality
- The Absolute's oneness is not in non-differentiation, but in non-disconnection
- To change the way you feel, change the way you think
- Bhakti makes expanded awareness our enduring awareness
- Maya is not just illusion in perception – it is essentially illusion in conception
- We may be far away from Krishna, but Krishna is always close to us
- Devotion implies meditation independent of location
- Reality is more fascinating than what we have been allowed to believe
- Chapter 06, Text 31
- Chapter 06, Text 32
- Why some people love to be gossiped about
- Gita 06.32 explained
- How to deal with differences of opinion
- Boosting immunity boosting humanity
- How can we know when we are gossiping?
- Has our technology become too strong for our morality? (The porn problem)
- Are all people really equal – how?
- Condescension looks down at others while laughing at them; compassion lifts others up while laughing with them
- Boring people find people boring
- Spiritual vision sees people not as philosophical categories, but as conscious beings
- Our pain is meant to be harvested, not wasted
- To see ourselves as spiritual is good, to see others as spiritual is better, to see everyone as spiritual is best
- Compassion needs to be felt as affection, not as condescension
- The highest spiritual vision culminates in compassion, not inaction
- The spiritual vision of all living beings is both saddening and gladdening
- Absorption of consciousness in Krishna brings about expansion of consciousness through Krishna
- Caring means sharing
- Don’t just renounce the material for the spiritual – bring the spiritual to the material
- Philosophy should expand our human sensitivity, not shrink it
- See the sufferings of the attached with compassion, not condescension
- Cultivate compassion for the complete being of all living beings
- Let’s learn to laugh with others, not laugh at others
- Retreat within to treat without
- Chapter 06, Text 33
- Spontaneous attraction to Krishna
- Gita 06.33 explained
- How to deal with the mind’s steady unsteadiness
- Arjuna’s seventh question: The mind is unmanageable
- What the Gita’s questions tell us about Krishna as a teacher
- Awareness of lack of self-awareness is also self-awareness
- Chapter 06, Text 34
- Four levels at which the mind can mislead us
- Gita 06.34 explained
- When discipline feels like self-deprivation …
- How to mentor the mind? (Managing the mind series 7)
- Our mind as an Alzheimer’s patient
- Why we need to transform pain
- Let the mind be
- On parenting the mind
- How our mind misdirects our energies
- How to get the mind to go along with us?
- Technologically connected mentally disconnected
- To take the task of training the mind seriously, stop taking everything it says seriously
- If we get into the mind’s discourse, we go down a disastrous course
- What the mind makes us do would be comic if its consequences were not so tragic
- The mind makes us spin like dirty laundry and leaves us dirtier
- Watch the mind, or the mind will catch you
- The wild mind will make us homeless at home
- The lesser the structure in our life, the greater the rupture the mind can cause in our life
- The mind is restless, reasonless, ruthless, relentless
- The mind stops us not just from achieving our dreams, but also from pursuing them
- The mind doesn’t know what it wants – and is ready to fight against the world to get it
- Treat the mind like a child – don’t let the mind treat you like a child
- Within moments, the mind can change awesome to awful
- The mind is a specialist in forgetfulness
- In mind management, find the balance between laxity and stringency through maturity
- Don’t let the mind put your thoughts out of sync with your actions
- Don’t let the stray lead you astray
- The mind makes us unthinkingly do the unthinkable
- The mind is naughty and haughty
- The mind’s misdirection is not just mild but also wild
- Chapter 06, Text 35
- Three steps toward becoming more focused
- Gita 06.35 explained
- How to focus the mind
- How Krishna addresses Arjuna’s concerns empathically (Balancing independence and guidance 6)
- How can we improve our mental health? (Mental health series 5)
- Two principles for making our mind our friend (Managing the mind series 5)
- The mind’s complaining about a problem is often a bigger problem than the problem itself
- The truth may be bitter, but it doesn’t have to be told bitterly
- Matter matters, and so does manner
- To inspire improvement, offer encouragement, not judgment
- Know when to be hard with yourself and when gentle
- People need to feel understood before they become ready to understand
- Before you put others in their place, put yourself in their place
- Your mind is the only mind you have – train it
- Don’t give guidance alone – give confidence too
- The mind may replay, but we don’t have to play
- The mind can defeat us in a battle, but we alone can defeat ourselves in the war
- Bind the blind mind
- Chapter 06, Text 36
- The mind needs to be cured not crushed
- How distraction cheats us
- Gita 06.36 explained
- A rigid structure may not work for us, but without a structure, we may not work
- The mind is like a bully who has terrorized us for long – it’s time to stand up
- Change of inclination requires not just resolution but also reconstruction
- Our days of cowering to the mind are over
- Conquer Provocative Mind with Evocative Mantra
- Chapter 06, Text 37
- Gita 06.37 explained
- Arjuna’s eighth question: What if one can’t practice yoga till one attains perfection?
- Chapter 06, Text 38
- Chapter 06, Text 39
- Chapter 06, Text 40
- Gita 06.40 explained
- How Krishna precedes enlightenment with encouragement (Balancing independence and guidance 7)
- Avoiding some risks keeps us alive, taking some risks brings us alive
- Worry more about inconsequential intentions than about unintended consequences
- On decreasing our emotional distance from the truth
- Chapter 06, Text 41
- Chapter 06, Text 42
- Chapter 06, Text 43
- Chapter 06, Text 44
- Gita 06.44 explained
- How does the journey from ignorance to knowledge begin? (From ignorance to knowledge series 6)
- Spiritual happiness never goes away – it just pushes us on the way
- The yogi’s transcendence of scripture is not due to defiance or ignorance or negligence but due to scripture’s irrelevance
- We can’t avoid being haunted, but we can choose who haunts us
- Stop running away from Krishna – run down the mind instead
- Chapter 06, Text 45
- Gita 06.45 explained
- Piety when boosted by purity paves the way to spirituality
- To achieve transformation, see devotion more as intention than as emotion
- Consciousness is recoverable, but time isn’t
- Bhakti is not a part of life; life is a part of bhakti
- Chapter 06, Text 46
- Chapter 06, Text 47
- Gita 06.47 explained
- The best way to watch the mind is by having something better to watch
- Meditation on space spaces us out
- The Gita raises our consciousness from jagat to jiva to Jagadisha
- Meditation is defined by not just the mode of thinking, but also the object of thought
- Devotion expands meditation to include emotion and action
- Bhakti transforms our solitary struggle with the mind into a cooperative conquest
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 06Chaitanya Charan2021-07-07T10:54:02+05:30