Why does our attention sometimes get misdirected toward things that are unimportant while straying away from the things that are important? Sometimes a traffic accident occurs when a person is looking at a phone SMS instead of looking straight ahead at the road. Such tragic misdirection of attention happens because we tend to let our mind control us from within.

Our mind is impulsive and short-sighted. It rushes to other things that look good or feel good. Fortunately, within us we also have our intelligence which is reflective. It evaluates things based on how they matter, not how they appear. And by studying the Bhagavad-gita, we can empower our intelligence thereby equipping ourselves to [take wise decisions and] pay attention to the things that really matter for us.

(Inspired by Bhagavad-gita 06.25)

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Misdirected Attention – Why? What to do?