Know that God is working behind the scenes for our good, even when what is happening on the stage doesn’t seem to be good.
A fundamental truth of spirituality is that there is much more to reality than what meets the eye. Guided by spiritual knowledge, we understand that, bigger than the visible material reality, no matter how grand it may seem, is the invisible spiritual reality. And in that spiritual realm reigns supreme the all-loving, all-attractive divinity, Krishna, the greatest well-wisher of all living beings.
We may conceptually understand God as the greatest reality in terms of the structure of things, yet we often forget that this truth applies not only to the structure but also to the workings of things. God is not a distant being, content in his supremacy and unconcerned with what happens elsewhere. Instead, he is active, working behind the scenes, moving the world and all living beings toward ultimate auspiciousness. As the Bhagavad-gita (9.10) declares, the Lord oversees the movements of material nature.
Our eyes can only see material things and even then, only certain aspects of them. We observe the world’s events unfolding like scenes on the stage of a drama. Many times, the events we witness seem distressing, even tragic. The Bhagavad-gita does not deny this reality; in fact, it underscores it, stating that the world is indeed a place of distress (8.15).
Nonetheless, reality extends beyond this world. There is much happening behind the scenes, distinct from what we see on the stage. The more we ground ourselves in spiritual reality through studying wisdom texts like the Bhagavad-gita and diligently engaging in spiritual practices centered on remembering Krishna, the more our vision shifts. Our perspective moves from being locked into what is happening on stage to a deeper awareness of what is happening behind the scenes.
Knowing that it is our omnibenevolent Lord who controls what unfolds behind the scenes allows us to be patient and confident. No matter how things unfold on the stage, there is a higher plan at work. In time, this wider and wiser plan will be unveiled, strengthening our faith.
Those who can live with such patience and confidence, trusting in the Lord’s benevolence, attain peace even when peace remains elusive on the stage of this world. As the Bhagavad-gita (5.29) indicates, while material vision sees only what is directly in front of our eyes, spiritual vision recognizes that there is much more happening behind the scenes, guided by divine wisdom. Although the unfolding events may seem tragic, the Lord is always working to bring good even from difficult situations.
The more we can be patient and confident, seeing beyond what is happening on the stage and seeking the Lord who is acting behind the scenes, the more we can know peace, even in a world that knows no peace.
- Spirituality teaches us that reality extends beyond what we see on stage; behind the scenes, God is guiding everything for our ultimate good.
- By grounding ourselves in spiritual practices and wisdom, we shift our focus from the apparent distress on stage to the benevolent workings of God behind the scenes.
- This awareness allows us to live with peace and patience, knowing that God’s greater plan will unfold in time.
Think it over:
- How does trusting in God’s unseen work change your perspective on life’s challenges?
- What practices can help you focus on God’s benevolence behind the scenes rather than just the apparent troubles in front of you?
- Reflect on a recent challenging event. How might it fit into a broader, divinely guided plan?
05.29 A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.
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