To be unsettled is unhealthy when we are living a life of values and purposes. But it is healthy when we are settling for complacency and lethargy. We all feel unsettled at times, and how we respond to such feelings depends on the state of our life overall. If we are living a life of value and purpose, and are just not making tangible progress because progress requires time, then we need to neglect that feeling of being unsettled and keep pushing onwards. But if we are living a life of complacency or lethargy or apathy, then that feeling of being unsettled can prompt us towards changing our life and making our life better.

Watch this content at: Feeling unsettled: Good or bad?


12.17 One who neither rejoices nor grieves, who neither laments nor desires, and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious things – such a devotee is very dear to Me.