[How do they not just know spiritual reality (brahman) but also become situated in it?] By steadying their intelligence and staying undeluded, especially amid life’s binaries: they avoid elation on getting something desirable and dejection on getting something undesirable (20)

[What do they attain?] By becoming indifferent to external stimuli, both pleasant and unpleasant, and by striving for inner happiness, they become absorbed in spiritual reality through their yoga practice — and thus they relish inexhaustible happiness (21) 

[How do they become indifferent to enjoyable stimuli?] By internalizing the insight that the pleasure coming from external sensory stimuli is the womb of misery — such pleasure is frustratingly finite; it always has a beginning and an end (22). 

[Despite their knowledge, if they still crave sensory pleasure, what do they do?] They learn to tolerate those desires as well as the anger which arises when those desires are thwarted; they understand that such desire and anger arises not from their soul, but from their body — and their resulting lifelong tolerance of their urges powers them toward transcendence: spiritual connection and inner satisfaction (23). 

[What is the fruit of their tolerance?] Such yogis  find within themselves their happiness, their shelter, their guiding light — and thus they progress toward liberation and attainment of the spiritual level of reality [24]. 

[While in this world, what do they do?] Staying absorbed in spiritual reality, being cleansed of all impurities, and having pierced the veil of illusory dualities, such sages strive sincerely for the welfare of all living beings [25]. 

[What is their ultimate destination?] Being liberated from the urges of desire and anger, and being fully self-aware of their spiritual essence, such renounced souls act in this world with a disciplined consciousness and eventually attain the eternal spiritual reality [26]. 

[To progress toward such liberation, what practices do they follow?] They shut external tempting objects out of their consciousness; focus their vision on the space between their eyebrows; balance within their nostrils the flow of their inflowing and outflowing airs; discipline their senses, mind and intelligence; set their heart on liberation; and discard desire, fear and anger — by so doing, such sages live constantly in a liberated state even in this world [27-28].

[In their liberated state, what is their ultimate realization?] They realize me to be the supreme purpose of all sacrifices and austerities; the supreme owner of all the worlds; and the supreme benefactor of all living beings — and that realization grants them the supreme peace [29].