When we wish to be compassionate to others, we may not realize that we might be unintentionally discouraging them instead of encouraging them. How might that happen? Suppose we wish to share God’s message of love with them. But if we unknowingly or even knowingly emphasize how far they are from God, how fallen they are, how self-destructive their habits are, how non-spiritual or anti-spiritual their life is, then that will naturally discourage or even alienate them.

Instead, the way Krishna does in the Bhagavad-Gita while speaking to Arjuna, if we emphasize how close God (Krishna) is always to them, no matter how far they are from God or where they are right now, then they will feel encouraged to take the steps to come closer to God and realize His presence in their hearts. That indeed is encouraging compassion.

(Inspired by Bhagavad-gita 03.26)

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When compassion discourages instead of encouraging