Arjuna’s eighth question: What if one can’t practice yoga till one attains perfection?
In the Bhagavad-gita’s sixth chapter, Krishna addresses Arjuna’s concerns about the mind’s restlessness (06.33-34) by assuring him that practice will bring perfection (06.35-36). Krishna’s answer [...]
Arjuna’s seventh question: The mind is unmanageable
In the Bhagavad-gita’s sixth chapter, Krishna outlines the process of dhyana-yoga, which centers largely on maintaining equanimity of mind. In fact, serious dhyana-yoga begins with [...]
Are we included in Krishna’s circle of love?
In the Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion, Krishna reveals his love for Arjuna (18.64-66). Krishna’s declaration is astonishing, riveting, inspiring. Yet it may raise a question, “Is such [...]
Krishna’s most emphatic declaration of love in the Gita
Toward the Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion, Krishna opens his heart in a stirring declaration of love. 18.65 and 18.66 are often celebrated as moving outpourings of Krishna’s [...]
How does detachment prevent entanglement?
Krishna states repeatedly in the Bhagavad-gita that if Arjuna works without attachment to the results of his work, he won’t be entangled. How exactly does [...]
How can Arjuna do his work as a worship?
In the Bhagavad-gita (18.46), Krishna urges Arjuna to worship the Lord through his work. What does this mean? For work to be worship, it needs [...]
Does Krishna consider Arjuna to be a doer or a non-doer?
In one of his oft-quoted statements, (03.27), Krishna tells Arjuna that the deluded think they are the doers of things that are actually done by [...]
How re-envisioning the Gita can help us relish it more
The Bhagavad-gita is often seen as a philosophical treatise that contains many profound truths. While the Gita is certainly philosophical, it is simultaneously conversational. And [...]
What Krishna’s analysis of determination in the three modes means for Arjuna
While guiding Arjuna to act wisely (18.19-40), Krishna analyzes various elements of action in succession. One such element is determination (18.33-35), which essentially refers to [...]
What Krishna’s assurance about bhakti-yoga means for Arjuna
Toward the end of the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna promises Arjuna of protection if he becomes devotionally conscious (18.58). What does this promise signify? To understand, let’s [...]
How working with devotion prevents entanglement
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna addresses Arjuna’s concern: Won’t work entangle me in the world? After outlining various processes for spiritual growth, Krishna recommends bhakti-yoga, or [...]
Why we may misunderstand Krishna’s Gita message — and how the Mahabharata can help
At first glance, the Bhagavad-gita might seem like a philosophical justification for war; Krishna speaks when Arjuna refuses to fight (02.09). Because our modern psyche [...]
How Krishna’s analysis of intelligence in the three modes matters for Arjuna
To help Arjuna choose wisely, Krishna analyzes in terms of the three modes the various elements of decision-making, including the intelligence (18.30-32). How is intelligence [...]
How Krishna’s analysis of knowledge in the three modes matters for Arjuna
Krishna’s discussion with Arjuna was meant to help him choose wisely. What factors could aid him in choosing wisely? A key factor is knowledge, wherein [...]
Isn’t life too complex to have a manual?
Sometimes, the Bhagavad-gita is commended as the manual for living. This raises questions among thoughtful people, “Isn’t life way too complex to ever have a [...]
We are bound to act according to our nature — what does this mean?
Does Krishna’s statement (18.60) that we are bound to act according to our nature leave any scope for free will? If it didn’t, why would [...]
Why Krishna urges Arjuna to stick to his natural duty
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna tells Arjuna twice (03.35 & 18.47) that it is far better to act according to one’s own nature than according to [...]
How Krishna prepares Arjuna for his difficult duty
When we have to do something difficult, it’s helpful if we are prepared for it. Suppose we have to lift a heavy suitcase, a [...]
Why Krishna states contrasting brahmana and kshatriya virtues in successive verses
When Krishna describes the virtues and duties of various social classes in the Bhagavad-gita (18.41-44), he mentions a specific virtue that characterizes brahmanas: forgiving (18.42), [...]
Arjuna’s seventeenth question
At the start of the Bhagavad-gita’s final chapter (18.01), Arjuna asks a question that may be puzzling in both content and context. Content because [...]