Understanding Gita concepts

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Understanding Gita concepts2021-06-24T10:25:29+05:30

Krishna’s incredible inclusivity

April 20, 2022|

Through the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna reveals how his teachings are utterly different from exclusivism. Here are four ways to understand his astonishing inclusivity: Acknowledges multiple paths [...]

Was Arjuna a pacifist?

March 22, 2022|

Some people allege that Arjuna was a pacifist who was incited to fight by Krishna through the Gita’s message.  Was Arjuna a pacifist? Yes, in [...]

Was Krishna a warmonger?

March 21, 2022|

Some people allege that Krishna was a warmonger who goaded Arjuna into fighting.  If Krishna had been a warmonger, why would he have personally gone [...]

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