Krishna’s discussion with Arjuna was meant to help him choose wisely. What factors could aid him in choosing wisely? A key factor is knowledge, wherein knowledge equates with perception — here, knowledge is associated with our knowledge-acquiring senses such as the eyes. To that end, Krishna talks about knowledge in terms of how we see things. 

When our knowledge is in the mode of ignorance, we reduce things to just one aspect of those things and equate that aspect with the whole (18.22). Thus, for example, if Arjuna sees those on the opposite side based solely on one part of their identity — namely, that they are his relatives — he is ignoring a large part of their identity: their mentality, their ethical choices and so forth. 

When our knowledge is in the mode of passion, we see things largely in terms of their externals (18.21). Thus, for example, if Arjuna sees everyone on the battlefield only in terms of their bodies, he will think of the war primarily in terms of who all will die. While this vision does consider a bigger part of reality than the earlier, it still fails to see spiritual reality. 

When our knowledge is in the mode of goodness, we see everyone as essentially equal, being parts of the one indestructible spiritual reality (18.20). Knowing that everyone is on a journey toward spiritual evolution, we do whatever is appropriate for our and their spiritual evolution.

How does all this apply to Arjuna? By doing his duty of fighting, he will continue his spiritual evolution. And by neutralizing the Kauravas, he will stop their spiritual devolution due to their misdeeds.

One-sentence summary: 

Through an analysis of knowledge in the three modes, Krishna encourages Arjuna to cultivate the vision that is most conducive to his duty. 

Think it over:

  • How would knowledge in the mode of ignorance shape Arjuna’s battlefield perception? 
  • How would knowledge in the mode of passion shape Arjuna’s battlefield perception? 
  • How would knowledge in the mode of goodness shape Arjuna’s battlefield perception? 


18.20: That knowledge by which one undivided spiritual nature is seen in all living entities, though they are divided into innumerable forms, you should understand to be in the mode of goodness.

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