Narrow-mindedness means to think that what matters to us must matter to everyone else. Most of us, if asked, would not consider ourselves to be narrow-minded. However, narrow-mindedness means that within our way of looking at things, if we consider something to be important, then we expect everyone else to also consider those things to be important. And we don’t just expect that, we insist on that. And then we become angry with others if they don’t similarly give due importance to the things that matter to us. A more broad-minded approach is to actually explain why the things that matter to us matter to us, in ways that others can understand.

Watch this content at: Might we be narrow-minded?


18.22 And that knowledge by which one is attached to one kind of work as the all in all, without knowledge of the truth, and which is very meager, is said to be in the mode of darkness.