The Bhagavad-gita (7.19) declares that the enlightened surrender to Krishna, knowing him to be the ultimate reality and the embodiment of the fulfillment of all our heart’s deepest aspirations. Those who surrender are considered mahatmas, great souls. Later, in the Bhagavad-gita (9.13) these great souls are described as ananya-manaso, which means those whose minds no longer seek alternatives to Krishna. They become fully immersed in him, discovering both the supreme light and the supreme delight within him.

In our lives, we face various disappointments, setbacks, and reversals, as when respectively we get what we want, but it doesn’t live up to our expectations; we don’t get what we want; and we get the opposite of what we want. Such difficulties can lead us to a range of thoughts, from “When will my desire be fulfilled? When will God answer my prayer?” to “Why is this happening to me? Where is God in this distress and disaster?”

While it is important to use our intelligence to address problems practically, we must also turn to God for deeper understanding. Ultimately, we need to realize that God is not just the source of answers; he is the ultimate answer. Even if he fulfills all our prayers, they wouldn’t truly satisfy our hearts. We have all experienced that the fulfillment of desires doesn’t bring lasting fulfillment to the heart.

Intellectual explanations may help us make sense of our lives, but they alone don’t bring us peace or purpose. Achieving both requires something deeper than just understanding. This is why great souls go beyond turning to God for answers to turning to him as the answer. In his remembrance and service, we find the light and delight that empower us to face our transient problems. Immersing ourselves in Krishna provides far more strength and satisfaction than any specific solution to a problem. This doesn’t mean we stop seeking solutions to problems, but it ensures that seeking solutions doesn’t dominate our consciousness.

When we realize Krishna is the answer and let go of specific expectations from him, our consciousness becomes clearer. This allows us to absorb ourselves in the remembrance of Krishna through the chanting of his holy names without distraction.


  • Great souls focus their minds on Krishna without seeking alternatives because they realize he is not just a source of answers but the ultimate answer.
  • While practical solutions to issues are necessary, they don’t address the foundational problems of the heart.
  • Immersion in Krishna brings fulfillment and strength beyond what specific solutions can provide.

Think It Over:

  • What is the difference between seeking an answer from Krishna and seeking Krishna as the answer?
  • Describe an incident when the fulfillment of a desire did not bring fulfillment to the heart.
  • Describe an experience when immersion in Krishna gave you relief, even without having an answer to a problem.


07.19 After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.