How can we admire without craving to acquire?
Whenever we see something attractive, we usually appreciate, even admire it. But when someone else has that attractive thing and we don’t, we often crave [...]
Whenever we see something attractive, we usually appreciate, even admire it. But when someone else has that attractive thing and we don’t, we often crave [...]
Becoming emotionally sober - People who get intoxicated frequently act in ways that are short-sighted, stupid or even self-sabotaging. Consequently, we readily recognize the need [...]
So now how such a person move around vrajeta kim? Kim Vrajeta (moves around world, how he engage senses 64 to 71) => how [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s concluding call for surrender (18.66) can evoke negative reactions because many people associate ‘surrender’ with a confrontational or martial scenario. To deal with [...]
In today’s multicultural world, being nonjudgmental is highly valued. But some people, specifically those who value the capacity to make judgments,may express some reservations, “In [...]
After this Krishna describes once we get Prasad what happens BG 2.65 prasade sarva-duhkhanam hanir asyopajayate prasanna-cetaso hy asu buddhih paryavatishthate SYNONYMS prasade -- [...]
Next verse Krishna will describe how we can have inner happiness how we can move from lower level of happiness to higher level of [...]
Our desires often obstruct us in our efforts to improve ourselves; for example, we may resolve to regulate our diet, but may be sabotaged by [...]
The differences between various faith-traditions are often obvious, sometimes glaringly self-evident. Some traditions worship deities, others condemn such worship as idolatry. Some traditions forbid drinking [...]
When we cultivate tolerance, we accept others’ right to beliefs and behaviors different from ours. By such tolerance, we harmonize with the way God has [...]
Religious tolerance is a much discussed and desired value in today's world, especially among visionary leaders and reflective followers of the world's many living-faith traditions. [...]
By reflection, we can understand that many of our wants are actually the world’s inducements, not our core aspirations. Despite gaining this insight, we may [...]
When the Bhagavad-gita recommends that those striving for self-discipline should withdraw their senses from sense objects (02.58), this recommendation can be misunderstood in two ways. [...]
Self-discipline can seem to be a constant struggle between our far-sighted intentions and our short-sighted emotions. We may morosely ponder: “Will the struggle ever end?” [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (06.06) states that our mind can be our friend when it is controlled. To control our mind, it needs to be informed and [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Now Arjuna will give one more [...]
Human existence is characterized by a tension between purpose and pleasure. There is a part of us that wants to do something purposeful — that [...]
Suppose we need to choose between paths A and B, wherein A will take us to a good place and B to a bad place. [...]
We all have a need to be respected. At a basic level, when we enter a room, we would like to be noticed, greeted, and [...]
Given that Krishna speaks the Gita on a battlefield, we would expect it to discuss quite a bit about the two binaries: war or [...]
Suppose we are walking on a narrow path that slopes unpredictably and has ditches on both sides. We could walk much more steadily if the [...]