Self-discipline can seem to be a constant struggle between our far-sighted intentions and our short-sighted emotions. We may morosely ponder: “Will the struggle ever end?” 

It will, Gita wisdom assures us — especially if we complement our practice of self-discipline with appropriate processes for inner transformation. Among such processes, the Bhagavad-gita recommends bhakti-yoga as the most potent. Why? Because it brings us closest to the indwelling Divinity who is the best catalyst for our transformation (06.47). Let’s see how bhakti-yoga can take us beyond the struggles involved in self-discipline. 

When the Gita outlines various levels at which bhakti-yoga can be practiced (12.08-11), it mentions disciplined practice as the penultimate level (12.09). At this level, we strive to fix our mind on the all-attractive spiritual reality, Krishna, even though we may not find such concentration relishable. Nonetheless, if we adopt this devotional discipline, we will gradually become attracted to Krishna. And as that attraction increases, we will rise to the level beyond discipline, wherein our mind will naturally gravitate toward Krishna and delight in his supreme attractiveness. 

By disciplining ourselves to do something we don’t always like, we rise to the level of liking it, even loving it — does this principle apply to activities other than bhakti activities? Partly yes; partly no. 

Yes, because psychologically speaking, when we repeatedly expose ourselves  to something, we frequently develop some interest or even taste for it. 

No, because spiritually speaking, the various things we expose ourselves to are not supremely attractive; Krishna alone is. He therefore has the unique potency to charm and conquer our heart, infusing within us love for him and love for the activities that connect us with him. Thus, we rise most efficaciously from doing bhakti activities as a discipline to doing them as an expression of our love. 

One-sentence summary: 

One who does the right thing is disciplined; one who loves doing the right thing is devoted. 

Think it over:

  • Why does the Gita recommend bhakti-yoga?
  • How may discipline in any area take us to the stage beyond discipline?
  • What is special about bhakti-yoga in taking us to the stage beyond discipline?


12.09: My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me.


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