Suppose we had a serious enemy out to destroy us. We couldn’t afford to take them lightly; we would need to treat them with respect. Respect not in the sense that we bow down, but in the sense that we raise our guard. By forcing us to improve our defenses and increase our strength, our enemy may make us better, despite having no intention to do so. 

We all have an enemy within us: our dark side. This dark side is comprised of our inner impurities such as lust, anger, greed, envy, arrogance,  and illusion. These dark drives are stored as impressions in our mind. If we come under our mind’s control, the dark impressions therein can make us act regrettably, even reprehensibly. 

Because this dark side is inside us, it is like an enemy who has infiltrated us. We need to respect that dark side – respect not by submitting to it, but by guarding against it so that it doesn’t take control of us and pervert us. 

Thankfully, along with the dark side, we also have a bright side: our spiritual essence, our potential divinity as parts of the supreme divinity. If we take the responsibility to connect with the supreme and unleash our divinity, we become agents of positive change in the world. 

Unfortunately, we don’t usually strive sufficiently to manifest it. But when we realize how degraded our dark side can make us, we become jolted out of our complacency. We commit ourselves to connect with the divine, thereby initially restraining our dark side and then purging ourselves of it. 

Acknowledging that inside us lie both our dark side that we need to restrain and our bright side that we need to release, the Bhagavad-gita (06.05) urges us to not degrade ourselves with our dark side, but elevate ourselves with our bright side. 


Think it over:

  • What is the dark side inside us?
  • What is the bright side inside us?
  • How does our dark side impel us to unleash our bright side?



06.05 For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.

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Respect the dark within you, to keep it within you Gita 06 05


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