We usually seek God’s grace in material terms such as more money, a bigger house or a better job.

However, for the spiritual soul, which is who we are essentially, these things are externals, like coatings. As such things give some pleasure, they are like sugar coatings.

When a patient has to take something unpalatable yet essential, such as a bitter medicine, a sugarcoating helps. But if a patient expects only the sweet layer and refuses anything bitter, they will never be cured.

We all are like patients – we are eternal spiritual beings afflicted by diseased cravings for temporary material things. Nothing material, however good, can satisfy our longing for lasting joy. To fulfill that longing, we need to direct our love towards our source and Lord, the all-attractive Supreme, Krishna.

Krishna’s greatest blessing is to reveal his supreme attractiveness, thereby inspiring and convincing us to seek him as the goal of our life – not as the means to some worldly goal. Undoubtedly, he also blesses us with what we need at the material level – he loves us and wants our all-round well-being. But when we see his grace only in material terms, we blind ourselves to his far bigger blessings.

The Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion demonstrates how grace changes Arjuna’s expectation. At the Gita’s start, Arjuna wanted Krishna to do his will (01.24). But on receiving Krishna’s grace in the form of the Gita’s enlightening message, he seeks to do Krishna’s will (18.73).

Gita wisdom can bless us too with the inspiration and conviction to harmonize with Krishna’s all-auspicious will, even if it is sometimes materially inconceivable. When we understand that our highest happiness lies in loving and serving Krishna, we open our heart to see his grace, even amidst material upheavals, in the form of ever-present opportunities for service.

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Grace is not a sugar coating for our life; it is the substantial reorienting of our life

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