Stop comparing ourselves with our demons; start comparing our demons with our Lord.
We all have some self-defeating desires and drives within us, often referred to as our demons. These demons harass and torment us, distract and delude us, and, if unchecked, can destroy us. We know that to accomplish anything worthwhile in life, to fulfill our God-given potential, and to realize the destiny that our Lord wants for us, we need to fight against these demons and defeat them.
After trying repeatedly to overcome them, only to find ourselves repeatedly overcome by them, we may become discouraged. This often leads to a defeatist attitude. Even if we don’t consciously articulate or acknowledge this defeatism, we may still hold an underlying belief that we will never defeat these demons because they seem too powerful.
Thankfully, we have a positive alternative to this defeatist mindset. Instead of comparing ourselves to our demons and feeling discouraged, we can shift our focus to our Lord, who is always with us, within us, and, most importantly, for us. This Lord is omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
If we focus more on connecting with our Lord and situating ourselves in the light and love of his presence, over time, our perspective in the battle against our demons will change. Instead of comparing ourselves to our demons, we’ll start comparing our demons to our Lord. He is far more powerful than any demon, and the more we devote our lives to him and express our desire to devote our entire being to him, the more this surrender raises us above the power and even the reach of our demons. The Bhagavad-gita (7.14) conveys this reality by stating two truths: first, that the Lord’s illusory energy, which fuels our demons, is formidable and almost impossible to overcome; second, that those who surrender to the Lord transcend its influence.
We have fought our demons on our own long enough. We may have even given up fighting out of hopelessness long enough. It’s time to try the divine alternative. If we put our demons out of our minds as much as we can and focus on our Lord, he will, in time, drive those demons out of our minds forever.
- Fighting demons alone often leads to discouragement and defeatist thinking, as they seem too powerful for us to overcome.
- No matter how strong our demons, our Lord is far more powerful and is forever with us and for us.
- By focusing on connecting with our Lord and living in the light and love of his presence, he raises us above our demons.
Think it over:
- What inner demons are you wrestling with? Have you unknowingly embraced a defeatist attitude in your fight against them?
- How can you go beyond this defeatism?
- List tangible ways to shift your focus from your demons to your Lord.
07.14 This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.
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