Life sometimes assaults us with devastating adversities that cripple us materially and spiritually. Unable to understand why God is letting such things happen to us, we can become disheartened and overwhelmed. Or we can choose a more empowering option: stand under Krishna. 

“To stand under” has two connotations: protection and guidance. Let’s see how both these connotations apply to our standing under Krishna.

Protection: When we stand under someone, we seek their protection, as does a person standing under a tree during heavy rains. We can stand under Krishna by practicing bhakti-yoga centered on remembering him. Such remembrance may not immediately remove our problems, but it will steady our mind. This ensures that we don’t unwittingly aggravate those problems by our kneejerk reactions impelled by our frantic mind. If we stand under Krishna, our mind calms down, as happened to Arjuna on hearing the Bhagavad-gita (18.73).

Guidance: When we stand under someone, we seek and await their guidance, as does a child holding tight to their parent’s leg in a crowded mall. We can stand under Krishna by praying to him with service attitude: “You are my eternal Lord, and I am your eternal servant. How can I serve you now?” Responding to our earnest request, Krishna, from within our heart, will illumine one step ahead for us, even if the whole path still remains dark. And if we take that step, doing our best in that situation, then the next step will be shown. As we keep taking one step after another, eventually, we will come to light: we will realize how Krishna, through that adversity, furthered our spiritual evolution. 

By thus standing under Krishna, we will be protected amid darkness and guided toward light. 


Think it over:

  • How can standing under Krishna protect us?
  • How can standing under Krishna guide us?
  • Has standing under Krishna helped you during difficulties? Plan how you can stand under him amidst present or future challenges. 



18.73 Arjuna said: My dear Krishna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.

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Even if we can’t understand Krishna, we can still stand under Krishna Gita 18 73


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