How God can use dead ends
What seems to be a dead end for us can simply be, for God, a means to show us that without him, we are dead—and [...]
What seems to be a dead end for us can simply be, for God, a means to show us that without him, we are dead—and [...]
When we encounter challenging situations, our minds tend to focus on all the ways things might go wrong. This constant worrying can drain us, filling [...]
We can choose what truth our life story will demonstrate: what is possible with God or what is inevitable without him. Our life is defined [...]
Suppose life puts us in a situation where we just feel that there's nothing in our control. Rather than giving into the feeling of helplessness, [...]
When our prayers are unanswered, how can we stay faithful? By seeing how we can be grateful for unanswered prayers. If we look at our [...]
When we face great imminent dangers in our life, when our prayers seem to be going unanswered, at that time, we may become gripped by [...]
Pray to God—not for pleasure, but for purpose. When we approach God through prayers, we often seek pleasure or, more specifically, the objects that we [...]
As we function in life, we quickly come to realize our deficiencies and defects. Deficiencies refer to areas in which we can't do things as [...]
When confronted with a huge problem, especially one that causes acute or unbearable distress, we often desperately turn to God for help. We pray for [...]
Suppose we enroll for an exercise program meant to build our muscles. Suppose we are told to move some heavy objects. Moving those objects can [...]
Our conceptions of things shape our expectations from those things. Suppose we conceive of prayer as a means to get God to remove obstacles from [...]
Toward the end of the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna promises Arjuna of protection if he becomes devotionally conscious (18.58). What does this promise signify? To understand, let’s [...]
Where is God amid problems? - When we face a tough problem, we may pray to God for help in getting rid of that problem. [...]
Why helping others doesn't always help others - Suppose a person had a severe accident that immobilized them for a long time. As they recover, [...]
Suppose a truck is moving rapidly on a road on which a tree has fallen. If the truck is large and has high momentum, it [...]
Suppose a mildly sick patient has to take a bitter medicine. If they reject that medicine, their sickness will worsen. When they become unbearably sick, [...]
Suppose we have to carry a huge bag. We may struggle to carry it, but if that bag became bigger and bigger, the struggle would [...]
Whenever life subjects us to terrible situations, we often obsess over how bad things are. Such obsession makes us feel frustrated, burdened and drained – [...]
Suppose we are stuck with a slow, noisy, messy car in a congested and polluted place. If we can’t change our place or our car, [...]
When life seems overwhelming, we may feel like giving up. As a last-ditch effort, we may look up. Whether looking up will help depends on [...]
Life sometimes hurls at us overwhelming obstacles that we feel utterly unequipped to deal with. If we have a materialistic vision of life, we feel [...]