Stick to your words, but don’t be stuck with your words
Intelligence means to know when to stick to our words and when to not stay stuck with our words. Our trustworthiness is determined, in the [...]
Intelligence means to know when to stick to our words and when to not stay stuck with our words. Our trustworthiness is determined, in the [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (18.30) states that intelligence in the mode of goodness is able to view actions holistically in terms of their consequences, whether they are [...]
Know when to focus on the cost of something and when on the cause for something. Whenever we do some things, we often evaluate what [...]
Whenever we are overcome by fear, we often get paralyzed, not knowing which way to move. We end up unable to move at all. That [...]
Suppose something bad happens, be it due to our own mistakes or due to factors beyond our control, or due to a combination of both, [...]
When we seek to improve ourselves by developing virtues such as self-control, politeness, or kindness, we often make resolutions that don't sufficiently translate into transformative [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Krishna will talk about intelligence [...]
To help Arjuna choose wisely, Krishna analyzes in terms of the three modes the various elements of decision-making, including the intelligence (18.30-32). How is intelligence [...]
Mindlessly mindful? - Mindfulness is often equated with greater awareness of both our outer and inner worlds. Still, not every detail of the outer world [...]
Suppose some small children are afraid of the dark. As they grow up and become more educated about the nature of reality, they will no [...]
When is fearlessness a facade for foolishness?- Suppose a child goes dangerously close to the parapet of a skyscraper. When his mother warns him, “Move [...]
A major challenge in relationships is dealing with differences of opinion: “When do we stick to our stand? When do we listen to others?” To [...]
Some people oppose the principle of forbidding anything: “If God didn’t want us to take intoxicants, why did he create intoxicating substances in nature? And [...]
Intelligence and intellect are sometimes considered synonyms. However, they differ significantly. Before going into their specific meanings, let’s consider the underlying concepts. We all have [...]
Our mind is like an inner screen. On it appear sensory stimuli from the outer world as well as recollections arising from past impressions in [...]
Nowadays, if we want to know how intelligent someone is, we often check their IQ score. IQ tests primarily measure people’s information processing ability – [...]
Intelligence is essentially the ability to make good choices. For example, IQ tests often assess students’ intelligence based on their ability to choose the right [...]
The word “discrimination” has nowadays acquired a strong negative connotation, as in caste discrimination or racial discrimination. While such discrimination is distasteful, it needn’t make [...]
Why do we sometimes do things that we didn’t intend to do, things that we in fact had resolved not to do? For explaining the [...]
The Bhagavad-gita repeatedly urges us to not become attracted by sense objects. Yet the same Gita (10.41) asserts that the attractiveness of everything attractive comes [...]