How to ensure that the right answer has the right effect
How to ensure that the right answer has the right effect Just because we know the right answers doesn't mean we know the right time [...]
How to ensure that the right answer has the right effect Just because we know the right answers doesn't mean we know the right time [...]
How our speech can enhance our relationships? Balancing sensitivity in speech The oversensitive consider even a mild observation to be a condemnation, while the insensitive [...]
How Our Words Can Make Us Strangers To Others And Even To Ourselves - If we let our yes become no and our no become [...]
Before we speak our mind, we need to speak with our mind; otherwise, it is our mind that will speak—instead of us, and not for [...]
Three situations when silence is our best friend, summarized by the acronym NOT: First is N when we have a negative opinion or attitude or [...]
To know what things are of value is good, to have the things of value is better and to value the things of value that [...]
Surprise gifts: Delighted or disoriented? When a surprise is truly surprising, appreciate the fact that it is surprising, not the fact that it is disorienting. [...]
Just because we do not have a minute to lose does not mean that we have to lose our manners; we can be both polite [...]
If we sweep too many things under the rug, then what we end up with is not a rug but a lumpy path that only [...]
Speaking what everyone is thinking but no one is speaking doesn't always make us fearless. It can make us headless and mannerless. When something inappropriate [...]
Just because something is obvious to us doesn't mean that it has to be obvious to everyone else. To use the word 'obviously' can come [...]
Just because we don't endorse someone's language doesn't mean that we can't empathize with their feelings. Sometimes some people express their concerns in language that [...]
What some people consider friendly banter, others consider to be beastly torture. In this world, different people perceive things differently. And sometimes someone who might [...]
Two kinds of extremism: Extremism can be in thought and in action. Extremism in thought is often called exclusivism, where people believe, for example, if [...]
The capacity to appreciate our blessings is the greatest blessing. We are all surrounded by blessings in our lives, be they small or big. Yet [...]
Happiness comes not by increasing what we have but by increasing our appreciation for what we have. The world often teaches us that to be [...]
We all sometimes dream of situations in which we act bravely and offer great help, even life-saving help, to someone in need. Whenever we think [...]
Life in this world is characterized by constant change. Functioning effectively in such a world, therefore, demands a dynamic approach to life. The need for [...]
When we interact with others, we often like to be perceived as lively and witty. Accordingly, we may aspire to come up with clever comments [...]
When a doctor gives a medicine to a patient, the doctor's intent may be good: to help the patient heal. Though the doctor may carefully [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (17.15) urges us to speak the truth sensitively — that is, in a manner which is non-agitating at the very least and pleasing [...]