Gita 01.04 – Explanation from Bhakti Shastri Class
Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Bg 1.4 atra śūrā maheṣv-āsā bhīmārjuna-samā yudhi yuyudhāno virāṭaś ca drupadaś ca mahā-rathaḥ Word [...]
Gita 07.16 explained
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Now after this Sri Krishna [...]
Avoid hell in the mind avoid hell in the world
Avoid hell in the mind avoid hell in the world - Some people think of hell as merely a belief of some religious groups. Others [...]
Why applying what we know is so important
Why applying what we know is so important - As is often said, knowledge is power. But where exactly does the power of knowledge lie? [...]
How being courageous is different from being fearless
How being courageous is different from being fearless - Suppose someone shows no fear even in the presence of great danger. We may appreciate that [...]
Why are we studying spirituality?
Why are we studying spirituality? - We now live in an age where education has become very structured and systematized, wherein educational success is measured [...]
When devotion doesn’t feel good …
When devotion doesn’t feel good - Suppose a disease weakens us and kills our appetite. If we are provided a healing and energizing medicine, we [...]
Gita 13.29 explained
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Next verse Krishna says what [...]
The importance of doing something we love
The importance of doing something we love - During our daily life, we often face struggles and setbacks. Additionally, our consumer culture aggressively displays before [...]
What intelligence can and can’t do in bhakti
What intelligence can and can’t do in bhakti: On the devotional path, the ultimate success and the immediate process both center on a personal loving [...]
Two views of the role of intelligence in bhakti
Two views of the role of intelligence in bhakti - Bhakti practitioners often view intelligence ambivalently. On a negative side, they feel that overuse of [...]
A likely feature of our likely future
A likely feature of our likely future - Few technological advances have changed our daily lives as much as smartphones. Though phones have made many [...]
How remembrance of Krishna is the ultimate spiritual superfood
How remembrance of Krishna is the ultimate spiritual superfood - Superfoods provide multiple benefits, which fall into two broad categories: increasing our energy and decreasing [...]
Our mind as an Alzheimer’s patient
Our mind as an Alzheimer’s patient - Suppose we are the main caregiver for a dear relative suffering from Alzheimer's. When they become non-communicative or [...]
So boring or sobering?
So boring or sobering? - Suppose we are traveling by boat through a vast ocean and we hear a weather warning on the boat radio, [...]
Going beyond counting our blessings
Going beyond counting our blessings - Counting our blessings is an oft-recommended activity for cultivating gratitude and positivity: When we count our blessings, we learn [...]
Why counting our blessings is so transformational
Why counting our blessings is so transformational - Count your blessings – this oft-repeated exhortation can seem cliched. To appreciate its potency, let’s consider two [...]
Boosting immunity boosting humanity
Boosting immunity boosting humanity - When caught in a pandemic, we wisely seek to boost our immunity. Simultaneously, we need to boost something just as [...]
Three ways to avoid being misdirected by our mind
Three ways to avoid being misdirected by our mind - Suppose we are walking toward a destination and some passerby suggests we go somewhere else. [...]
Three ways to live more effectively
Three ways to live more effectively - Suppose we are driving a car. If our car map is unclear, if a distracting partner is sitting [...]
Three practical benefits of remembering Krishna
Three practical benefits of remembering Krishna -- The Bhagavad-gita repeatedly recommends that we remember the ultimate reality, Krishna. Let’s consider three practical benefits of such [...]