Gita 03.35 explained
Bg 3.35 śreyān sva-dharmo viguṇaḥ para-dharmāt sv-anuṣṭhitāt sva-dharme nidhanaṁ śreyaḥ para-dharmo bhayāvahaḥ Word for word: śreyān — far better; sva-dharmaḥ — one’s prescribed duties; viguṇaḥ [...]
Why we may provide guidance without respecting independence (Balancing independence and guidance series 2)
Why we may provide guidance without respecting independence - Whenever we offer guidance, we act based on our implicit conceptions about what guidance is meant [...]
Why both independence and guidance matter (Balancing independence and guidance series 1)
Why both independence and guidance matter - When we are in relationships that involve instructing and inspiring others such as parenting or coaching, one of [...]
Gita 09.33 explained
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Then Krishna encourages Arjuna by [...]
The necessity of bhakti (Appreciating bhakti-yoga 5)
The necessity of bhakti - Suppose someone is told about a powerful medicine. If they think they are not sick, they won’t care much about [...]
The universality of bhakti
The universality of bhakti - Most conventional religious paths present rigid boundaries to differentiate between the pure and the impure, which eventually translates into the [...]
The transformatory potency of bhakti yoga (Appreciating bhakti-yoga 4)
The transformatory potency of bhakti yoga - Every path expects certain abilities or qualities from its practitioners. For example, athletes need to be physically fit [...]
The eternality of bhakti yoga (Appreciating bhakti-yoga 3)
The eternality of bhakti yoga - Many religious paths promise happiness, including happiness beyond this life. Gita wisdom explains that not all post-mortem destinations are [...]
The simplicity of bhakti-yoga (Gita 09.20-34 explained: Appreciating bhakti-yoga 2)
The simplicity of bhakti-yoga - Various religious paths require particular resources to be successfully executed. Those resources may relate with the capacities to get expensive [...]
09.34 Four glories of bhakti-yoga (Gita 09.20-34 explained: Appreciating bhakti-yoga 1)
09.34 Four glories of bhakti-yoga - The glories of bhakti-yoga, as explained in the Bhagavad-gita (09.20-34), can be summarized through the acronym SETU: Simple, Eternal, [...]
How the Gita’s conclusion integrates its contextual and universal dimensions (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 7)
How the Gita’s conclusion integrates its contextual and universal dimensions - The Bhagavad-gita starts with a vividly specific setting: an inquiry by the blind king [...]
How the Bhagavad-gita’s battlefield setting demonstrates its core teaching (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 6)
How the Bhagavad-gita’s battlefield setting demonstrates its core teaching - The Gita’s first chapter describes how both the ungodly Duryodhana and the godly Arjuna were [...]
The Gita’s starting and ending usage of Partha (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 5)
The Gita’s starting and ending usage of Partha - In Krishna’s first and last words in the Bhagavad-gita, he addresses Arjuna as Partha. Let’s explore [...]
Gita 01.21-01.22 – Explanation from Bhakti Shastri Class
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan 1 - 26 observing the [...]
The Gita’s triple use of ‘Achyuta’ (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 4)
The Gita’s triple use of ‘Achyuta’ - The Bhagavad-gita uses various names for Krishna and Arjuna not just for literary variety or poetic symmetry, but [...]
The cyclicity of the Bhagavad-gita (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 3)
The cyclicity of the Bhagavad-gita - A well-written book cycles back to the starting point in its ending point. Let’s see how such cyclicity is [...]
From the specific to the universal and back to the specific (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 2)
From the specific to the universal and back to the specific - Well-written books exhibit an expert balance between specifics and universals, whereby the specifics [...]
Three levels of answers to the Gita’s driving question (Appreciating the Gita’s flow 1)
Three levels of answers to the Gita’s driving question - The Bhagavad-gita (02.07) is spoken by Krishna to answer Arjuna’s question, “What is dharma, the [...]
Does the quest for knowledge have an end? (From ignorance to knowledge series 7)
Does the quest for knowledge have an end? - Knowledge in almost every area can be pursued nearly infinitely. The more we come to know [...]
Gita 06.44 explained
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya 38-45: If the mind deviates the [...]
How does the journey from ignorance to knowledge begin? (From ignorance to knowledge series 6)
How does the journey from ignorance to knowledge begin? - Suppose someone wants to mine gold. They need to know quite a few things about [...]