Accepting that some things are beyond our understanding
Does faith mean accepting without understanding? Not at all. Faith means accepting that some things are beyond our understanding, not that we accept all things [...]
Protecting ourselves from a bad attitude
Just as we wouldn't choose to live with someone with a bad attitude, why should we tolerate our own bad attitude? Imagine living with a [...]
Choosing to be resourceful
Even if we can't control what we are going through, we can control how we go through it. Sometimes, problems come rushing at us from [...]
Resist the temptation to quit
Resist the temptation to quit on ourselves by recalling the Lord who never quits on us. When striving for self-improvement and facing repeated lapses and [...]
Does God know our pain?
God knows our pain, and He understands what we stand to gain by persevering through the pain. When we are suffering, we might question whether [...]
Who is writing our life’s story
If we consider our life to be a story, then who is writing the story? We may say that we ourselves are writing the story [...]
Are we indispensable or dispensable?
To think that we are indispensable is an illusion. But to think that we are dispensable is also an illusion. Whenever we have some significant [...]
Graduating in the university of adversity
Graduating in the University of Adversity. The universe is a university, and in this, the subject that we learn is adversity. The Bhagavad Gita states [...]
Becoming Bitter or Becoming Better
Why do some people become bitter when life gives them problems? And why do others become better, not bitter? That's primarily because people view themselves [...]
Humility is a gaining of our intelligence
See humility not as a weakening or a losing of our ego. See it more as a strengthening and gaining of our intelligence. Whenever we [...]
Hopeless not to be helpless
We may be helpless, but we don't have to be hopeless. Sometimes life puts us in situations where there is absolutely nothing we can do [...]
A better lie or a better life?
When we commit a mistake due to some impurity inside us, do we seek a better lie for covering that mistake, or do we seek [...]
Two kinds of extremism
Two kinds of extremism: Extremism can be in thought and in action. Extremism in thought is often called exclusivism, where people believe, for example, if [...]
Things work together for good
Things work together for good, even if those things individually don't feel good. When an expert cook is cooking some delicacy, often they may start [...]
God is watching us
God is watching us, not just to see through us, but also to see us through. Whenever we are told that God is always watching [...]
Cut people or cut people some slack?
Don't cut people because they are slack. Cut people some slack. Whenever someone doesn't live up to our expectations, it is natural that we become [...]
Does power always corrupt?
It is often said that power corrupts, but is it always true? Is it that nobody should ever have any power because it will corrupt [...]
To guide effectively focus on others’ potentials not their problems
To help others, focus on their potentials, not their problems. Whenever we are in a position of guiding others, it is natural that we will [...]
Standard of longing not standard of living
Happiness comes not by improving our standard of living but by improving our standard of longing. The whole world is centered on economic development, and [...]
Outcome of wrong actions: external and internal
The outcome of an action is determined not just by what comes out, but also by what goes in. Suppose someone does some wrong action, [...]
Support the intelligence to be supported by the intelligence
If we offer loose support to our intelligence, we will lose the support of intelligence. For example, consider having a bodyguard to protect us when [...]