Whenever we study scriptures, we tend to identify with the virtuous characters, whether it is Ram or Sita or Hanuman. That’s good, but it’s also helpful to identify with characters like Ravana. That means we don’t just dismiss them as terrible beings who are demons, but we try to understand their psychology. And often we will see that traces of their mentality are present within us also. By understanding how they did such terrible deeds and how the seeds of that kind of reasoning and that kind of mentality are there within us also, we can become cautious about what we should not do. Villains can be good examples of bad examples.

Watch this content at: Why to identify with villains in scriptures?


16. 04 Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance – these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of Pṛthā.