When we feel discouraged, we need people who will lift us up, not push us down. Life is often discouraging and to face such discouragements, we need to have in our social circle people that we can count on. The worst people to turn to when we are discouraged are people who will push us down – by speaking belittling words, even if they come up as well-intentioned, “Oh, you are never going to be good enough to achieve that. Better give it up right now.” Instead, what we need is people who see the potential within us and facilitate us in bringing out that potential. Such is the character of Saints.

Watch this content at: When we feel discouraged 


18.35 And that determination which cannot go beyond dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness and illusion – such unintelligent determination, O son of Pṛthā, is in the mode of darkness.