Suppose we are walking along a road and get pushed by some passerby into a ditch. We will be disturbed, but we will soon pick ourselves up and resume our walk. If we get pushed into ditches repeatedly, we will seek some means to defend ourselves. We won’t stay on in the ditch just because we were pushed into it.

What we would never do physically, we sometimes do psychologically. Whenever we try to do anything enterprising, people often label us: over-ambitious, arrogant, show-off. If we become discouraged and stop trying to do anything worthwhile, they will still label us: wasted talents, spineless, losers. When people pigeonhole us, if we internalize those labels, we will end up lifelong in the psychological ditch of self-pity, low self-esteem and depression. 

How can we defend ourselves from the world’s labels? By acquiring the shield of spiritual knowledge and situating ourselves in our spiritual identity. Gita wisdom explains that we all are parts of the Whole, the all-attractive Supreme, Krishna. We all have some God-given potential. Even if we feel we don’t have any potential, we all have spiritual potential: the potential to connect with Krishna and therein find nonmaterial satisfaction. Being thus bolstered, we can in a mood of service and devotion do whatever is in our capacity. When we thus make some contributions — small yet significant — we become further strengthened in our spiritual self-identity and self-worth. 

Lest we start taking people’s labels seriously, the Bhagavad-gita reminds us that the devoted don’t get agitated by others or agitate others (12.15). Knowing that some people may keep doing what they are doing, we can continue doing what we are meant to do for our Lord. 

One-sentence summary:

Even if people pigeonhole us, we don’t have to stay in a hole; we can stay as parts of the Whole.

Think it over:

  • How do we let ourselves get pigeonholed?
  • How can spiritual wisdom help us get out of the pigeonholes we are put into?
  • Do you sometimes find yourself pigeonholed? How can you counter it? 


12.15: He by whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.

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When people pigeonhole us Gita 16.04


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