Suppose life puts us in a situation where we just feel that there’s nothing in our control. Rather than giving into the feeling of helplessness, we can open a new tab in our life. TAB is an acronym that refers to three things that we can always do.

T is thoughts. We can think about uplifting enduring realities such as Krishna and thus give ourselves relief and strength by rising above that situation through our thoughts.

Attitude A. We can look at that situation as an opportunity to learn – how we view that situation is up to us.

B is behavior. We can take small positive steps and be helpful instead of being hateful.

Watch this content at: Three things we can do when we feel helpless


18.58 If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.