Suppose someone thrusts a huge burden upon us. We’ll feel annoyed, even angered, thinking: “Why do I have to carry this?” But, if they force us to carry it and we can’t refuse to do so, we’ll still carry it reluctantly. 

Seeing us burdened, suppose some kind person offers to share or carry our burden. But, then the burden-giver drives them away. We would feel infuriated, “Why are you making my life miserable?” 

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the mind does to us, but we hardly ever realize it.

Suppose something has gone wrong in our life. Almost instantly, the mind floods us with negative feelings such as: “Life stinks. The world is so cruel. No one cares for me. I am a good-for-nothing.” When we start feeling burdened by such thoughts, some well-wishers approach and ask us, “Are you ok? Can I do anything to help? Do you want to talk?” Our mind then makes us see their offer for assistance as interference, impelling us to say something like: “I am ok. Just leave me alone.” 

Even if the mind doesn’t make us rebuff other people, it certainly makes us rebuff our all-loving Lord, Krishna. Whatever burdens we are carrying can be best relieved if we turn toward him. When the light of his remembrance enters our consciousness, the darkness of negativity has to flee. 

But the impudent mind makes us feel that the bhakti practices meant for connecting us with Krishna are a big burden.  Thereby keeping us burdened.  

Empowering us to see through the mind’s shenanigans, the Bhagavad-gita (13.29) reminds us that Krishna is present in everyone’s heart, including ours. If we can remember that he is ready to help and if we reciprocate appropriately with offers for help from our various well-wishers, then our mind won’t be able to keep us down for long. 


Think it over:

  • How does the mind burden us?
  • How does the mind drive away potential helpers?
  • How can we see through the mind’s shenanigans? 



13.29 One who sees the Supersoul equally present everywhere, in every living being, does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he approaches the transcendental destination.

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The mind burdens us and deems as burdens those who offer to relieve our burdens Gita 13 29


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