Suppose we had a machine that was programmed to behave in a particular way, to respond to certain stimuli with certain actions. Suppose we didn’t want that programmed reaction, but couldn’t change the programming. Then whenever that reaction would start, we would consciously decide to reject that programmed reaction and choose differently; we wouldn’t get too involved with either its reaction or our rejection.

The Bhagavad-gita (05.08-09) offers us this mechanized vision of the body when declaring that all bodily actions, that is, interactions of the senses with the sense objects, are just default actions that we needn’t get involved emotionally in or take personally. For example, on seeing or smelling a delicacy, our tongue might water. But suppose we were fasting on that day from that item, then despite the tongue watering, we would still abstain from eating it. The tongue’s watering is a mechanical reaction that needn’t change our intention. 

Gita wisdom illumines our inner world into three levels: body, mind and consciousness. Corresponding to these levels, all actions begin first as a physical reaction to an external stimulus, then as the emotional activation of the desire for that stimulus, and finally as the conscious intention to indulge in that object. If we learn to differentiate between these three, then we won’t let the physical or emotional reaction grow into a conscious intention as an unthinking, unstoppable progression. We will see those reactions as just programming that we need to acknowledge. Thus, we can distance ourselves from our physical and emotional reactions.  

Spiritual practices enable us to become more self-aware, taking us closer to our own spiritual essence and the supreme spiritual reality, Krishna, and enabling us to better perceive our body as different from us.

By thus seeing the body’s actions mechanically, we can avoid taking its reactions personally. 


Think it over:

  • How are the body’s reactions mechanical?
  • What are the three levels of progression in the actualization of action?
  • How can we distance ourselves from the body’s reactions? 



05.09 Because while speaking, evacuating, receiving, or opening or closing his eyes, he always knows that only the material senses are engaged with their objects and that he is aloof from them. 

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The body reacts mechanically - don’t take its reactions personally Gita 05 09


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