Why compassion matters more than erudition
Why compassion matters more than erudition - Suppose we discuss spirituality with a loved one whose conceptions differ from what we have learnt in sacred [...]
Why compassion matters more than erudition - Suppose we discuss spirituality with a loved one whose conceptions differ from what we have learnt in sacred [...]
Understanding the relationship between love and freedom Love is founded in freedom: Suppose a boy proposes to a girl saying, “I love you. Will you [...]
How Krishna’s relationship with us differs from our relationship with him - The Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion contains a disarming declaration: Krishna is determined to love us [...]
How desires differ from emotions — and why the difference matters - When we make resolutions for self-mastery, we are often thwarted by our emotions [...]
How the Gita demonstrates its teaching - The Bhagavad-gita concludes, in one sense, with Arjuna agreeing to do Krishna’s will (18.73). Yet the Gita continues [...]
How purpose makes pain bearable - Suppose a person dear to us is sick and in great pain. Suppose further the only available doctor is [...]
The way to a better future - The future can be better than the present and we can play a part in bringing about that [...]
When God doesn’t seem to help us - Suppose we pray to God for help amid difficulty but the difficulty remains. Does that mean God [...]
Does devotion make us successful in everything we do? - Devotees sometimes think, “If I can’t do a particular service successfully, that’s because I am [...]
We are in concluding section of 4th ch, Shri Krishna has talked about various forms of Yajna by which once can acquire knowledge and knowledge [...]
A functional car needs to have both an accelerator and a brake. While driving, when we are on the right track, we can press the [...]
How pride can corrupt both faith and doubt - We often equate pride with respect-demanding and self-congratulatory hubris. But it can appear much more subtly [...]
# BG 5.25 Last portion of the 5th Chapter! In the last section Sri Krishna told how a yogi can attain liberation by [...]
When helping others is compassion and when it isn’t - Suppose someone is starving. We may help them by giving some money. If they are [...]
What does it mean to know Krishna? - The Bhagavad-gita repeatedly talks about knowing Krishna — those who know him attain his abode (04.09). What [...]
How our mind can be a double agent - Suppose a country’s intelligence agency needs to do a vital mission for which they need a [...]
On parenting the mind - When parents decide to have a child, they know they are taking up a serious responsibility. Undoubtedly, parenting can be [...]
The first application of spiritual knowledge - Suppose a medically well-informed person gets a disease with scary symptoms. If they know that those symptoms are [...]
How to get the mind to go along with us? - We sometimes resolve to do certain things that are important for us. But our [...]
Three benefits of fasting - Fasting is a time-honored practice in most of the world’s great traditions. The Bhagavad-gita too urges us to minimize our [...]
How are material achievement and spiritual achievement different? - We all want to achieve something special. Does this drive to achieve need to be renounced [...]