Dissatisfaction: cause and cure
We could divide the world around us into two categories: the things we have and the things we don’t have. Whenever we see something desirable [...]
We could divide the world around us into two categories: the things we have and the things we don’t have. Whenever we see something desirable [...]
How can we assess our progress toward self-transformation? By noting the process we go through before making choices, both healthy and unhealthy. If we identify [...]
Our emotions are an essential part of who we are; without them, we would be reduced to a flavorless, robotic existence. Though they add value [...]
We all are naturally curious: the many breaking news are just one among hundreds of things that cater to our curiosity. That universally present faculty [...]
Most virtues, when taken to an excess, end up becoming vices. Such is the case with the virtue of being nonjudgmental which protects us from [...]
In today’s multicultural world, being nonjudgmental is highly valued. But some people, specifically those who value the capacity to make judgments,may express some reservations, “In [...]
When perceiving things, our mind routinely reduces reality to not just convenient categories but also judgemental labels. Because our mind is inside us, it is [...]
The world around us is so complex that we need to reduce it to some simple functional categories. For example, suppose we need to ask [...]
We live in a world where there’s increasing concern about conserving energy, especially because conventional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are finite. We [...]
The differences between various faith-traditions are often obvious, sometimes glaringly self-evident. Some traditions worship deities, others condemn such worship as idolatry. Some traditions forbid drinking [...]
“God said it; I accept it; that settles it.” Some people presume that such statements of absolute certainty demonstrate their strong faith. But might certainty [...]
We live in a vast and complex world, wherein we seek safety and happiness by rearranging things according to our desires and plans. Our desires, [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Krishna will now start describing [...]
Though we are exposed to many distractions, some are more harmful than others. How can we know which distraction is most hazardous for us? By [...]
Our wants often arise from external factors such as peer pressure, cultural glamorization or corporate-controlled media promotion. During our reflective movements, we may realize that [...]
When we strive to develop a virtue by disciplining ourselves, we may succumb to deception at three levels. Intention to deceive others: We may seek [...]
When people fall to vice, they often explain it as “just a moment of weakness.” Let’s evaluate this explanation. We all are finite and fallible [...]
When the Bhagavad-gita recommends that those striving for self-discipline should withdraw their senses from sense objects (02.58), this recommendation can be misunderstood in two ways. [...]
On hearing the Bhagavad-gita’s recommendation to withdraw our senses from sense objects (02.58), some people object, “Isn’t it cowardly to avoid such temptations?” No, such [...]
For cultivating self-discipline, the Bhagavad-gita recommends two distinct approaches. Let’s understand these approaches. The outside-in approach: When discussing how we can stay steady amid worldly [...]
Self-discipline can seem to be a constant struggle between our far-sighted intentions and our short-sighted emotions. We may morosely ponder: “Will the struggle ever end?” [...]