Why gratitude is especially difficult in today’s world
Why gratitude is especially difficult in today's world - Even when we have enough of the things we need, we don’t always feel grateful for [...]
Why gratitude is especially difficult in today's world - Even when we have enough of the things we need, we don’t always feel grateful for [...]
Why is it so difficult to feel grateful? - If asked specifically to list things we are grateful for, we all can easily list several [...]
2.11-2.30: counters first argument – compassion In this context Arjuna says, I am concerned because my relatives will not be there with me, and [...]
The first application of spiritual knowledge - Suppose a medically well-informed person gets a disease with scary symptoms. If they know that those symptoms are [...]
How the mind is a robber who pretends to be a well-wisher - Suppose a robber comes to our house pretending to be our well-wisher [...]
How to get the mind to go along with us? - We sometimes resolve to do certain things that are important for us. But our [...]
How to get away from the mind when it troubles us?- When someone speaks negative things constantly, we may feel the need to get away [...]
How to ensure that our phones are connecting us not disconnecting us - In today’s fast-moving world, we seek phones to stay connected with our [...]
10-32: From practice to perfection in yoga 10-32 defines how one will achieve perfection when one is practicing yoga. 16-23: Realization of Paramatma Now Sri [...]
How depressed desire leads to depression - Suppose someone riding a cycle pedals too fast and falls into a ditch. On getting up, they decide [...]
Three benefits of fasting - Fasting is a time-honored practice in most of the world’s great traditions. The Bhagavad-gita too urges us to minimize our [...]
How are material achievement and spiritual achievement different? - We all want to achieve something special. Does this drive to achieve need to be renounced [...]
How can we know when we are gossiping? - Most of us may agree that it’s not good to gossip. We may even believe that [...]
How gossip can go dangerously out of control - Suppose we pushed a small snowball down a hill just for fun. It rolls down out [...]
How to speak an unpalatable truth? - Truth is unpalatable — we may quote this saying while speaking to others some truth that is likely [...]
Do we choose our interests or do our interests choose us? - We all can think of several things in our life that are important [...]
paśyaitāṁ pāṇḍu-putrānām ācārya mahatīṁ camūm vyūḍhāṁ drupada-putreṇa tava śiṣyeṇa dhīmatā Word for word: paśya — behold; etām — this; pāṇḍu-putrānām — of the sons [...]
Does devotion result in renunciation? - The bhakti tradition features sterling examples of great saints who became so devoted to Krishna as to completely renounce [...]
Are scriptural descriptions of Krishna literal? - When we hear the descriptions of Krishna given in scripture — for example, his complexion is bluish-black — [...]