Life can be a constant moral struggle. We are prone to hundreds and thousands of temptation that incite us to immoral indulgence. We may resolve to live purely, but may falter and fall. We may react to such falls by mental punishment, wherein we beat ourselves up with thoughts such as: “Why did I do that? Why am I so weak-willed? Why am I so dumb that I keep doing the same thing again and again? What will people think of me if they knew how I am actually? Will ever be able to give this up?” We may feel that such thoughts indicate remorse and repentance and are desirable after a moral failure. However, if such thoughts keep us self-centered, thinking too much about how bad we are, then they are a part of the problem. Actually, the same mind that earlier incited us to wrongdoing is now admonishing us for wrongdoing. And in both cases, it is keeping us away from the spiritual connection that is a source of our strength. 

The Bhagavad-gita (15.07) explains that we all are parts of God. As soon as we become apart from God, we are dragged down by our senses. Therefore, the healthy response to moral failure is spiritual reinstatement. We need to immediately rise up and strive to connect ourselves with Krishna by wholeheartedly practicing bhakti. The Gita (09.30) declares that those who don’t let the determination for devotion get diminished by their lapses are well-situated, and will soon become purified by divine grace. When we focus on Krishna, that divine focus strengthens and purifies and gradually elevates us to a level less prone to temptation. 

That’s why, rather than the self-centered response to moral failure, which involves mental punishment, we can focus on the Krishna-centered response, which involves spiritual reinstatement. 

Think it over:

  • When faced with moral failure, how do we punish ourselves mentally? Why is that unhealthy?
  • What does spiritual reinstatement mean? Why is that a healthy response to moral failure?
  • How can you respond better to moral lapses?


09.30: Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination.

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Respond to moral failure not by mental punishment but by spiritual reinstatement Gita 09.30


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