The Bhagavad-gita (09.30) raises a serious question: How can grievous wrongdoing and devotion go together?

To address this question, consider the ocean-anchor metaphor. We all are souls who are currently fallen in the ocean of material existence wherein we are hit by waves of temptations. When these waves hit us, they can drag us away from our normal moral and spiritual standards. To keep ourselves steady amid such waves, we need to hold on to the unshakeable anchor of Krishna. And Krishna is like an unlimited anchor who extends throughout the ocean; we can connect with him wherever we are in the ocean – that is, whatever be our moral condition.

When our hold is not strong enough or when a wave is too strong, or when both happen simultaneously, we may be impelled to act regrettably or even reprehensibly. Reacting to such a fall, most of us may want to wallow in inner despair and outer humiliation. Though understandable, this reaction is undesirable. Why? Because it doesn’t improve our condition.

How can we make things better? We can immediately catch hold of the Krishna anchor as soon as the wave passes – that is, as soon as the infatuation caused by the temptation subsides. When Krishna declares that such souls are well-situated, that declaration reveals his magnanimous focus: it’s not on condemning us for having been swept away by the waves; it’s on appreciating us for having again caught hold of the anchor.

If we too learn to align our focus with Krishna’s focus, we will gradually become more resolute and resourceful in holding on to him, thereby soon becoming fully situated in virtue (09.31)

One-sentence summary:

When we are swept away by the wave of temptation, worry not about how far we have fallen; work on how we can catch hold on to the Krishna anchor.

Think it over:

  • How may a person practicing bhakti fall into immorality?
  • How do most of us react to such a fall?
  • How can we rise from such falls?


09.30: Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination.

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