When we feel, “What’s the use of trying yet again?” Let’s respond by asking the mind that is saying that statement, “What’s the use of listening to you yet again?” When we try something repeatedly: say when we try to improve ourselves by developing some healthy habit or giving up some unhealthy habit, and when we fail repeatedly, we may become disheartened. At such times, a voice from inside, the voice of our mind speaks, “What’s the use of trying yet again?” If we listen to that voice, we will just quit – instead, we can turn back and ask the mind, “You have always been negative, what’s the use of listening to you yet again?” – now is the time when I will stop listening to you and start listening to my Lord who always has hope and faith for me.

Watch this content at: Listening to my Lord who always has hope


06.06 For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.