To make sense of the Kalki movie through the lens of the Bhagavad-gita, let’s consider three aspects. Connection, Concoction and Conception. Connection: it is good that through the video of popular culture, a connection is being built between the masses who consume the popular culture and the themes and characters of the tradition – such as Kalki and Ashwatthama that are depicted in the movie. Concoction is a matter of concern because such depictions are involving a mixing of Mahābhārata themes with themes from western franchises like Mad Max or Matrix. There is a room for artistic license in such things. And whether the artistic license is going too far will depend on the conceptions. There is an opportunity for the tradition and its contemporary teachers to provide correct conceptions when such movies arise.

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04.08 To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.