India’s victory in the T20 World Cup has brought celebration and also relief that India has shed the choker’s tag. From the Bhagavad Gita’s perspective, there is no such thing as chokers; as being some kind of invisible, malefic influence existing over people. The Gita in 18.14 explains that three broad sets of factors affect the translation of actions into results. Physical in terms of the venue, adhishthanam, and the karanam, the skills of the senses. Then psychological in terms of the endeavour, the cheshta that is made. And philosophical in terms of daiva, the destiny. So sometimes when results don’t come, rather than reducing the cause to just one simplistic label, be it blaming the pitch or blaming the players’ skills or blaming their mental strength, We need to get the whole picture and help people perform better.

Watch this content at: India’s T20 World Cup Victory & Chokers’ tag: Making sense with Bhagavad-gita


18.14 The place of action [the body], the performer, the various senses, the many different kinds of endeavor, and ultimately the Supersoul – these are the five factors of action.