The mind is like a computer in the sense that just as a computer operates based on its programming, the mind operates based on its conditioning. However, the mind is significantly different because the mind is also a tool for emotions: and because of emotions, certain stimuli lead to stronger conditionings and others lead to weaker conditionings. When on a computer, we visit a particular website, the computer doesn’t have any emotions about which website it likes and which website it doesn’t like. And the history that is stored is simply based on mechanical parameters such as how many times we have visited or how long we have visited that site. But when we do certain activities, the impressions that are formed in the mind depend not just on how often or how long we did the activity, but with how much liking or disliking we did it.

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06.05 One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.