Some people ask, “Is God impartial? If so, then why does Krishna take the Pandavas’ side in Mahabharata?”

Yes, God is impartial. He is transcendental to worldly categories. Significantly however, his transcendence means that even his impartiality is transcendental to our conceptions of impartiality: he is free from taking sides and free for taking sides.

God is free from taking sides: He is present impartially in the hearts of everyone (Bhagavad-gita 18.61). He is not present less in the hearts of the godless. He provides the world as an arena for everyone, the godly and the ungodly. Here, we all can try out whatever we imagine will make us happy.

God is free for taking sides: While he lets us experiment, he also wants us to be happy. He knows that we are at our core nonmaterial beings; only by spiritual evolution can we find lasting happiness. To help us evolve, he wants socio-administrative structures that support spiritual growth. If demonic people disrupt such structures, as the Kauravas did during Mahabharata, he doesn’t hesitate to get involved; he cares more for our elevation than his reputation.  

Though he is free for taking sides, he doesn’t exactly take sides in earthly conflicts; rather, he supports those who take his side. He empowers those who take responsibility to maintain spiritually conducive socio-administrative structures, as the Pandavas did.

Gita wisdom stresses that Krishna is equal to all; simultaneously, he is devoted to those who are devoted to him (09.29). Does his devotion to the devoted make him partial? No, because he impartially keeps devotion accessible to everyone (09.32). He is more than neutral – he is reciprocal (04.11).

When we thus understand God’s transcendental impartiality, we feel inspired to reciprocate with him and relish immortal love.

Think it over:

  •       How is Krishna free from taking sides?
  •       Why does Krishna take sides?
  •       When Krishna favors his devotees, how is he not being partial?


09.29 I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.


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God's transcendence means that he is free from taking sides – and free for taking sides


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