When we are in the mode of ignorance, we see God primarily as a fearsome ruler and we try to stay on his good side and avoid doing wrong so that he will not punish us.

When in the mode of passion, we see God as primarily a desire fulfiller. If we can just please him in some way, then he will give us what we want and thus we pray to try to persuade or even manipulate him.

When we are in goodness, we see God as someone who has already provided us so much and thus we see it as our duty to worship him.

Beyond goodness, we see God as the supreme object of love in whom all our desires can be eternally fulfilled.

Watch this content at: Four ways people conceive God


14.17 From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, greed develops; and from the mode of ignorance develop foolishness, madness and illusion.