What moments of weakness can do — and what they can’t do
When people fall to vice, they often explain it as “just a moment of weakness.” Let’s evaluate this explanation. We all are finite and fallible [...]
When people fall to vice, they often explain it as “just a moment of weakness.” Let’s evaluate this explanation. We all are finite and fallible [...]
When the Bhagavad-gita recommends that those striving for self-discipline should withdraw their senses from sense objects (02.58), this recommendation can be misunderstood in two ways. [...]
On hearing the Bhagavad-gita’s recommendation to withdraw our senses from sense objects (02.58), some people object, “Isn’t it cowardly to avoid such temptations?” No, such [...]
For cultivating self-discipline, the Bhagavad-gita recommends two distinct approaches. Let’s understand these approaches. The outside-in approach: When discussing how we can stay steady amid worldly [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (06.06) states that our mind can be our friend when it is controlled. To control our mind, it needs to be informed and [...]
When we strive to discipline ourselves, we may falter and fail, sometimes repeatedly. Being disheartened, we may wonder, “Is all this struggle worthwhile? What difference [...]
Whenever we resolve to discipline ourselves for some worthwhile purpose, we will, sooner or later, feel tempted. To deal with such temptation, we need to [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (18.38) outlines a vital life-truth: things that taste like nectar initially will taste like poison eventually. For example, when we eat fatty food, [...]
We often think of discipline as something that deprives us of life’s pleasures and comforts. For example, we may fear that waking up early to [...]
Human existence is characterized by a tension between purpose and pleasure. There is a part of us that wants to do something purposeful — that [...]
Suppose we need to choose between paths A and B, wherein A will take us to a good place and B to a bad place. [...]
We often presume that discipline is something we need to adopt if we want to improve ourselves: say, become fitter, more well-read or more skilled. [...]
We all have a need to be respected. At a basic level, when we enter a room, we would like to be noticed, greeted, and [...]
Some people treat self-respect as the most important thing in their life. When they feel that others are disrespecting or mistreating them, that becomes for [...]
We all have inside us an inner guiding voice: the voice of conscience that guides us to act in ways that are worthwhile, ennobling and [...]
We live in an age of unprecedented distraction. When our mind is being so fiercely targeted, how can we focus it? Here are two time-tested [...]
Suppose we are walking on a narrow path that slopes unpredictably and has ditches on both sides. We could walk much more steadily if the [...]
When we want to do anything important, why do we often find it so difficult to focus? Due to the combined consequence of three forceful [...]
Suppose we have a map for finding our way through a complex terrain. That map will be a valuable and vital aid for our traveling. [...]
The mind exists at the junction between the body and the soul, as such the mind is affected by both. Spirituality acts especially on the [...]
Mental health problems can have many specifics, yet they share a fundamental feature: a distortion in our perception of reality. When such distortion becomes so [...]