To believe whatever we see is to live like an animal
Some people assert, “Seeing is believing.” Their intent in making this assertion may be good – they don’t want to unintelligently, gullibly believe anything and [...]
Some people assert, “Seeing is believing.” Their intent in making this assertion may be good – they don’t want to unintelligently, gullibly believe anything and [...]
When we practice bhakti, we may wonder, “How do I know if I am progressing and succeeding?” On the spiritual journey, our destination is Krishna, [...]
We cherish equality; we don’t want anyone to be discriminated against. Simultaneously, our hard-nosed side cautions that some hierarchies are essential for the orderly conduct [...]
Suppose an intoxicated person forgets about gravity and steps off a ten-story building. Gravity won’t forget them; it will act and put them out of [...]
Materialism is the ideology that matter is all that exists. Mechanism is a material system that works according to material laws, with certain causes producing [...]
Suppose someone we trusted implicitly betrays us totally. Being devastated, we may ask ourselves: “What is real? How do I differentiate reality from illusion?” Faced [...]
In today’s world, equality is among the most cherished values. Few things provoke as much indignation as incidents of discrimination or even allegations of discrimination. [...]
Whenever we do anything, we usually have various levels of motivation for doing that thing. And depending on how deep or substantial our motivation is, [...]
While practicing bhakti, suppose we face problems and pray to Krishna for help. If we don’t get the sought protection, we may doubt, “Why is [...]
Those who see Krishna’s pastimes as a child sometimes wonder: “How can such a child be God?” To unravel this mystery, let’s first look at [...]
Some people are humble and submissive in front of their seniors, but haughty and abusive with their juniors. Why are they two-faced? Because their humility [...]
Suppose an alcoholic visits a new city. Though the city may have many attractive sights, the alcoholic will look for bars. Similarly, when we function [...]
How we function in the world depends primarily on two factors: what brings us to the world and what we bring to the world. What [...]
When starting spiritual life, we may expect different things. Some people expect to levitate; some, to see a mystical light, some, to acquire an aura. [...]
Some people say, “I am not interested in any spiritual stuff.” They feel uninterested because often they don’t understand what spirituality is. In today’s culture, [...]
Some people criticize religious rituals as mindless performances and campaign for their rejection. However, rituals are present in every walk of life. For example, when [...]
The word fate connotes a trans-human shaper of results (Why is fate against me?) as well as the future that will result (Who knows what [...]
When life’s problems start overwhelming us, seeing the big picture can help us put first things first. However, we can’t even seek the big picture [...]
We live in a culture where the new is incessantly glamorized – new gadgets, new fashions, new data, new news. But we don’t always need new information – what we need is timely access to the known. If students have prepared for an exam, they don’t need any new information at the time of the exam – they just need to recollect what they already know.
Suppose a person has a severe digestive disorder that requires not just dietary regulation but also medical treatment. The patient’s self-control in eating is beneficial [...]