Gita 03.16 explained
Now Krishna will say what will happen if we do not follow this cosmic cycle: Bg 3.16 evaṁ pravartitaṁ cakraṁ nānuvartayatīha yaḥ aghāyur indriyārāmo moghaṁ [...]
Now Krishna will say what will happen if we do not follow this cosmic cycle: Bg 3.16 evaṁ pravartitaṁ cakraṁ nānuvartayatīha yaḥ aghāyur indriyārāmo moghaṁ [...]
So now Krishna will talk about that you should not disturb the mind of others Bg 3.26 na buddhi-bhedaṁ janayed ajñānāṁ karma-saṅginām joṣayet sarva-karmāṇi vidvān [...]
Bg 3.41 tasmāt tvam indriyāṇy ādau niyamya bharatarṣabha pāpmānaṁ prajahi hy enaṁ jñāna-vijñāna-nāśanam Synonyms: tasmāt — therefore; tvam — you; indriyāṇi — senses; ādau — in the beginning; niyamya — by regulating; bharata-ṛṣabha — O chief [...]
BG 3.42 indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah param manah manasas tu para buddhir yo buddheh paratas tu sah SYNONYMS indriyani -- senses; parani -- superior; ahuh [...]
Now Krishna contrast it by telling that if one does practice renunciations then what will happen? Bg 3.6 karmendriyāṇi saṁyamya ya āste manasā smaran [...]
Bg 3.11 devān bhāvayatānena te devā bhāvayantu vaḥ parasparaṁ bhāvayantaḥ śreyaḥ param avāpsyatha Word for word: devān — demigods; bhāvayatā — having pleased; anena — by this sacrifice; te — those; devāḥ — demigods;bhāvayantu — [...]
Bg 3.5 na hi kaścit kṣaṇam api jātu tiṣṭhaty akarma-kṛt kāryate hy avaśaḥ karma sarvaḥ prakṛti-jair guṇaiḥ Word for word: na — nor; hi [...]
1-9: KY is better than JY 10-16: If you are not qualified even for KY then practice KK 17-24: If you are qualified for JY, [...]
BG 3.43 evam buddheh param buddhva samstabhyatmanam atmana jahi satrum maha-baho kama-rupam durasadam SYNONYMS evam -- thus; buddheh -- to intelligence; param -- superior; buddhva [...]
Bg 3.36 arjuna uvāca atha kena prayukto ’yaṁ pāpaṁ carati pūruṣaḥ anicchann api vārṣṇeya balād iva niyojitaḥ Word for word: arjunaḥ uvāca — Arjuna said; [...]
Bg 3.24 utsīdeyur ime lokā na kuryāṁ karma ced aham saṅkarasya ca kartā syām upahanyām imāḥ prajāḥ Word for word: utsīdeyuḥ — would be put [...]
Now Krishna will give one more example of a Person who act to set good example. Bg 3.22 na me pārthāsti kartavyaṁ triṣu lokeṣu [...]
Now Krishna will talk in next two verses about faith Bg 3.31 ye me matam idaṁ nityam anutiṣṭhanti mānavāḥ śraddhāvanto ’nasūyanto mucyante te ’pi karmabhiḥ [...]
Sure, here's the punctuated text: "BG Ch3 – Karma Yoga BG Ch 3 summary 3.1-3.10: Karma Yoga is better than Jnana Yoga. 3.10-3.16: If [...]
Bg 3.35 śreyān sva-dharmo viguṇaḥ para-dharmāt sv-anuṣṭhitāt sva-dharme nidhanaṁ śreyaḥ para-dharmo bhayāvahaḥ Word for word: śreyān — far better; sva-dharmaḥ — one’s prescribed duties; viguṇaḥ [...]
Bg 3.37 śrī-bhagavān uvāca kāma eṣa krodha eṣa rajo-guṇa-samudbhavaḥ mahāśano mahā-pāpmā viddhy enam iha vairiṇam Word for word: śri-bhagavān uvāca — the Personality of Godhead [...]
We have discussed 1st and 2nd section in 3rd chapter now we will discuss 3rd section which is setting example for others 1-10: KY [...]
Bg 3.34 indriyasyendriyasyārthe rāga-dveṣau vyavasthitau tayor na vaśam āgacchet tau hy asya paripanthinau Word for word: indriyasya — of the senses; indriyasya arthe — in [...]
And in next verse Krishna says what happens to those who are faithless Bg 3.32 ye tv etad abhyasūyanto nānutiṣṭhanti me matam sarva-jñāna-vimūḍhāṁs tān viddhi [...]
Then Krishna says ultimately Karma Yoga also has to be offered to Him, He is the object of Karma Yoga Bg 3.30 mayi sarvāṇi karmāṇi [...]
Now Arjuna’s question is ok that is fine but my original question was on bondage, I wanted to give up activities because activities lead [...]