Gita 02.45 explained
Arjuna raises a question, saying, 'You are presenting all these teachings, but they are all derived from the Vedas. Even though you view them as [...]
Arjuna raises a question, saying, 'You are presenting all these teachings, but they are all derived from the Vedas. Even though you view them as [...]
Now in next verse 50th Krishna will give another definition of Yoga: BG 2.50 buddhi-yukto jahatiha ubhe sukrita-dushkrite tasmad yogaya yujyasva yogah karmasu kausalam SYNONYMS [...]
2.11-2.30: counters first argument – compassion – by JnanaBG 2.12na tv evaham jatu nasamna tvam neme janadhipahna caiva na bhavishyamahsarve vayam atah paramSYNONYMSna -- never; [...]
1-10: Arjuna’s further doubts and surrender Arjuna has substantiate his reasoning with further point… BG 2.5 gurun ahatva hi mahanubhavan sreyo bhoktum bhaikshyam apiha loke [...]
Krishna will describe something deeper for the first time. He will refer in BG a destination higher than destination of Swarga, the destination of liberation. [...]
Now after knowing how the soul gets the new body Krishna briefly talks about the philosophy which rejects the soul BG 2.26 atha cainam nitya-jatam [...]
And the same theme Krishna will repeat elaborately in last verse of this section. BG 2.53 sruti-vipratipanna te yada sthasyati niscala samadhav acala buddhis tada [...]
BG 2.19 ya enam vetti hantaram yas cainam manyate hatam ubhau tau na vijanito nayam hanti na hanyate SYNONYMS yah -- anyone who; enam -- [...]
BG 2.20na jayate mriyate va kadacinnayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyahajo nityah sasvato 'yam puranona hanyate hanyamane sarireSYNONYMSna -- never; jayate -- takes birth; mriyate [...]
Now why they can’t destroy the soul is described in next verse: BG 2.24 acchedyo 'yam adahyo 'yam akledyo 'soshya eva ca nityah sarva-gatah sthanur [...]
BG 2.21 vedāvināśinaṁ nityaṁ ya enam ajam avyayam kathaṁ sa puruṣaḥ pārtha kaṁ ghātayati hanti kam Synonyms: veda — knows; avināśinam — indestructible; nityam — [...]
BG 2.72 esha brahmi sthitih partha nainam prapya vimuhyati sthitvasyam anta-kale 'pi brahma-nirvanam ricchati SYNONYMS esha -- this; brahmi -- spiritual; sthitih -- situation; partha [...]
So now after summary about atma jyan Krishna talks about conclusion from atma jyan BG 2.30 dehi nityam avadhyo 'yam dehe sarvasya bharata tasmat sarvani [...]
Now Krishna will tell if you don’t do this what will happen BG 2.33 atha cet tvam imam dharmyam sangramam na karishyasi tatah sva-dharmam kirtim [...]
So this is the internal thought process and based on this thought process what happens the external expression comes out BG 2.57 yah sarvatranabhisnehas tat [...]
BG 2.37 hato va prapsyasi svargam jitva va bhokshyase mahim tasmad uttishtha kaunteya yuddhaya krita-niscayah SYNONYMS hatah -- being killed; va -- either; prapsyasi -- [...]
So Arjuna says no why I will get infamy I am doing this out of virtue and people will honor this, so Krishna says no [...]
BG 2.22 vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grihnati naro 'parani tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi SYNONYMS vasamsi -- garments; jirnani -- old [...]
And Krishna says that all things are… BG 2.28 avyaktadini bhutani vyakta-madhyani bharata avyakta-nidhanany eva tatra ka paridevana SYNONYMS avyakta-adini -- in the beginning unmanifested; [...]
BG 2.48 yoga-sthah kuru karmani sangam tyaktva dhananjaya siddhy-asiddhyoh samo bhutva samatvam yoga ucyate SYNONYMS yoga-sthah -- equipoised; kuru -- perform; karmani -- your duties; [...]
Now Sri Krishna gives some further description of soul. BG 2.25 avyakto 'yam acintyo 'yam avikaryo 'yam ucyate tasmad evam viditvainam nanusocitum arhasi SYNONYMS avyaktah [...]